I think some points need to be clarified. First, though BWS cannot say what the cause of the "fouling" is, they did say that they had asked to Department of Environment to stop work on Sugar Caye until they could resolve the issues. This seems to tell us that they do consider this project to be a possible cause for the "fouling" problem.
Second, BWS made it very clear that this is not a mechanical problem or staff problem. They clearly explained the well from which Consolidated draws its water has been tainted. The membranes that typically last Consolidated 5 years have lasted less than 10 days. The companys seem to be doing everything they can to work together and solve the problem.
Third BWS explained that while they are able to maintain a decent water pressure currently, consolitaed has not been able to replenish its million gallon tank and that we could experience water shortages again if demand increased as it did over Easter. They made it clear that they are very concerned about water supply for future peak times.
I think that it was nice of Sugar Caye to offer their Hydrologist Mr. Pantan, but I am sure BWS and Consolidated have MANY qualified engineers and hydrologists working frantically on this issue. I think that stopping work on the Sugar Developement as these companies had requested would be the MOST helpful thing the developer could do. It would also be a wonderful gesture to the community that is enduring the problem.