The water taxi terminal being proposed back by the football field if built there it would simply be in the worst place . I have suggested at previous meetings that they should put it by the marina or close by either way it should be out of town,as it would alleviate some of the congestion in town. All water taxi will be required to dock on 1 pier and put their booths on one building that in itself would be a plus for many reasons,wish the airlines would do the same,only in Belize this tolerated.This project is to be sustainable, it won't in my opinion if built there. There are 3water taxis right now some of them if I'm not mistaken carry over 100 passengers, in ten years from now we could have 200 passengers per boat imagine the traffic especially close to the biggest primary school in SP. Our local leaders continually have failed us with any kind of long term plan or leadership. Where is the Master Plan