C.A. queens are centrepiece of Costa Maya festival
Without a doubt, pageants are one of the most popular Belizean activities ... and in the next week, two of the year's biggest events will hit the local entertainment scene: Miss Belize will be crowned this Saturday night, but next week belongs to the beauties of Central America. News Five's Alyssa Noble explains.
Alyssa Noble, Reporting
Next week Thursday, six young ladies representing the Mundo Maya countries, will be competing for the title of Miss Costa Maya, 2006.
Cindy Cajuste, Miss Mexico
"Hello my name is Cindy Cajuste, I am twenty-three years old, I come from Mexico and I was born in Vera Cruz, that's my state. I am really happy because this is a good opportunity, especially since I am representing my country and also because I am meeting a lot of girls. And you know, it's a good experience to share these different cultures ,especially my culture with their culture too. So that's good."
Ninfa Juan, Miss Belize
"Hello, my name is Ninfa Juan. I am twenty years old and I am representing the jewel of the Mundo Maya, Belize. The Costa Maya is a very good event to bring together all the Mundo Maya nations. So I am just really looking forward to doing my best in representing my country Belize."
Belgica Arias, Miss Costa Rica
"Hola, mi nombre es Belgica Arias, vengo de Costa Rica, y tengo veinte dos anos."
"Definitivamente mucha experiencia, buenas amigas, compartir con las companeras. Pero definitivamente, espero llevarme la gran elección, y el calor hermano que Belice y todos los pueblerinos de aquí puedan regalarnos a nosotros, que andamos visitando y conociendo este maravilloso mundo maya y por supuesto a Belice.
Translated: "Hi my name is Bélgica Arias, I come from Costa Rica and I am twenty two years old. Definitely a lot of experience, good friends, just have fun with my companions. But definitely, I hope to win the pageant and experience the warmth of the Belizean people as we get to know this beautiful Mundo Maya country."
Lissa Saenz, Miss Honduras
"My name is Lissa Saenz, I represent Honduras and I got twenty three years old. Bueno, you creo que lo mas importante es realizar la gente de nuestro pasado que sepan la gente ahora de nuestro siglo, que hubieron gente antes que nosotros que pudieron traernos mucho orgullo, mucho trabajo y realizar lo que ahora nosotros tenemos. Sentir orgulloso de eso gente pasados que nos brindaron mucho trabajo que trajeron a nuestra vida, cosas para sentirnos orgullosos y felices."
Translated: "I think it is important for us to recognize our ancestors, that the people of our century know that the people before us brought us much pride, work and for us to recognize what we have now. Be proud of generations past that brought us work, our life, things that we should be happy and proud of in our lives."
Teresita Gomez, Miss El Salvador
"Estoy muy feliz de estar aca. Mi nombre es Teresita Gomez y tengo veinte dos anos en edad. Las expectativas que tengo para este evento, principalmente es ganar la corona y representar orgullosamente mi paiz y tambien la cultura maya que es importantisima ya que el cultural que la zona toda a Centro America."
Translated: "I am very happy to be here. My name is Teresita Gomez and I am twenty two years old. The expectations I have for this event, principally, is to win the crown and proudly represent my country and also the Mayan culture which is very important to the cultural identity of all of Central America."
Anahir Rocha, Miss Nicaragua
"Me llamo Anahir Rocha Gutierrez, soy de Nicaragua, tengo veinte tres anos y siento bien contenta de estar aquí por la primera vez en Belice y verdad tambien que tenga mucha expectativa en respecto al concurso que estoy muy interesada que Nicaragua se lleve la corono este ano."
Translated: "My name is Anahir Rocha Gutierrez, I am from Nicaragua and I am twenty three years old. I feel very contented being here for the first time in Belize, and really my expectations with regards to this event, is that Nicaragua takes the crown this year."
According to Pageant Coordinator Marisa Salazar this year's event will be knockout.
Marisa Salazar, Pageant Coordinator
"Every year we learn something new, and every year we try and give the people something better. A better show and a bigger show. We've been doing it for eleven years, and we have learned some things, but like I said, there's always something new. We always look forward to living people an even bigger and better show."
Cindy Cajuste
"I want to invite you so you can meet us in San Pedro next Thursday, and you'll have fun. Come meet all the girls, they are so pretty and you are going to have so much fun."
Ninfa Juan
"I'd just like everybody to come out and support, especially me, Miss Belize."
Alyssa Noble reporting for News Five.
The pageant kicks off the four day Costa Maya Festival 2006 at the old San Pedro Football Field next Thursday. Entrance fee for the pageant is twenty dollars a ticket.