Would all you great folks please take up a collection and bring me to AC as soon as possible.
I need to be there, and you need me to be there. You need someone to cheer you up. I have great stories about how cold it is here in New Hampshire and if you don't like my stories I'll come back here and tell these people how there is no snow there! They will like hearing that until they get sick of it and they'll send me back to you. Great idea huh! Come on! Let's get this cycle going, then I will have money when I get there to buy you all drinks or new barstools or something? You can then send me back again when I run out of money and I'll come back with more..We can't lose.
Sorry, Boardrunner...Pierlounge/Palapa Lounge Jim is from New England and that's San Pedro's quota for New Englander's. Now, if you can get Jim off that island...we can talk turkey.
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