BOING!! Goodness, the SPASC had slipped way too far down the page...
Having my fave bedtime snack - Cheerios with tons of milk...mmmmmm.....yummmm!! Stormy weather here in Toronto tonight - exceptionally high winds & pounding rain...jeeesh. Glad I'm inside & toasty warm.
I miss:
- doing Yoga on my verandah on Caye Caulker every morning & watching the sun rise over the reef
- hanging my laundry on the line to dry
- swimming in the sea most every day
- watching the local Romeos as they romanced all the new tourist women...
- fishing off the dock with a handline as the sun slipped slowly below the horizon
- the pervasive scent of Deep Woods Off worn to survive the sunset mosquitos while fishing
- laying at the end of a dock, basking in the moonlight, trying desperately to remember the names of constellations...
- the percussive voice of the gecko when the weather is about to change
- stew chicken, rice & beans, coleslaw & plantain...sigh
...somethin' tells me it's time to return.