It seems that programs like nikons nknef, photo Shop and other processing programs that photographers use have settings that allow or disallow Browsers to adjust the size when displayed and the problem I've been having with the images being displayed to big is a setting on my end that needs to be changed to allow the different browsers to display them as they want.
Optimum quality is archived on the web by displaying the image as 'same size,. in other words my camera takes an image that is 3872 pixels by 2592, the compression problems that results when displayed smaller create sawteeth and lines that are bitted up, generally an unpleasant appearance, so I make the image a size that fits on the screen with out being reduced or enlarged to give it an optimum quality such as 1000 pixels wide.(looks good on the YOBUBBA Site).
But then when its viewed by some browsers my images lack of permission to change its size was making it be displayed as the enlarged image.
This site seems to want to compress the image and makes strange artifacts in the process.
I could also be totally out to lunch with this theory :-)