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Cabinet Brief 9th March 2023
The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 7th March 2023.
Cabinet received a report from the Ministerial Consulting Team that has been engaged in meetings with the Joint Unions on the important issues of Increments and Pension Reform. Following the report, Cabinet agreed on the following:
1. Increments for all public officers and teachers would be unfrozen effective 1st April 2023.
2. The Ministerial Team would continue discussions with the Joint Unions Negotiating Team (JUNT) on the matter of the two increment points lost. Those discussions would be based on specific economic performance targets in the fiscal year 2024/25 and beyond.
3. The government will implement a phased approach to the Public Sector Pension Reform. In phase one, the goal is to institute, effective 1st July 2023, a new contributory pension scheme applicable only to new entrants into the Belize Public Service. Phase two will include a comprehensive review of the existing Public Service Pension Scheme to determine how to make it more effective, efficient and sustainable. For this purpose, a working group will be established, including the government, JUNT, the National Trade Union Congress of Belize, GAMAS, and the private sector.
After hearing presentations from the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) and BSI/ASR, Cabinet has decided to convene a Commission of Inquiry to examine the modernization of the sugar cane industry and improve its viability.
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Cabinet Brief 30th March 2023
The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 28th March 2023.
- Cabinet discussed the effects of global inflation on Belize and ways to address the matter of the rising cost of living due to inflation. Following the discussion, Cabinet agreed to the following measures:
* set up meetings with wholesalers and retailers to ensure that ALL understand the urgency of the situation with a view to price control of goods and services;
* establish the practice of store inspections and monitoring as offered by the unions;
* revisit the list of basic commodities to expand the number of goods which are price-controlled; and
* review the grocery bag program to ensure that the Belizeans who need help the most are those benefitting.
- Cabinet reviewed the new $264-million master plan for the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA), an expansion plan, requested by the government and prepared by UK-based INFRATA Airport Consultants, for the Belize Airports Concession Company. Phase 1 improvements have already commenced with the construction of a new airport access road. Other works in this phase include the expansion of the terminal building, the construction of a larger aircraft apron, a new eastern taxiway and new parking facility, and new airport safety equipment.
To finance the new investments, Cabinet approved adjustments to the non-Belizean airport development fee and the funding period in accordance with existing provisions of the public/private sectors partnership agreement. The new master plan, announced by the Prime Minister in his New Year's address, is based on projected growth in passenger and aircraft movements at the PGIA through 2045.
• After a thorough discussion on the increasing number of visitors who are using Belize as a transit country to reach the United States, Cabinet determined that Belize will invoke Article 226 (a) of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas, which will allow for the Minister of Immigration to immediately impose a visa requirement for Haitians wishing to visit Belize and to require Jamaican nationals to provide evidence of fully paid non-refundable hotel reservations prior to boarding flights to Belize. In addition, a ministerial task force was set up to address the rampant smuggling occurring in this regard. The ministerial subcommittee will be chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration and will include the Minister of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries and the Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations.
- Cabinet discussed the development of a passenger port and marina at the Commerce Bight Port in the Stann Creek District and set up a ministerial subcommittee to study the feasibility of developing a passenger, port and marina at the existing Port at Commerce Bight. The ministerial subcommittee will include the Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations and the Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics & E-Governance.
- To update and modernize regulations for those involved in pilotage, Cabinet gave its approval for the repeal and replacement of the present Pilotage Regulation. Additionally, through a new statutory instrument, new regulations will be introduced to provide that only pilots registered and licensed with the Belize Port Authority will be able to engage and conduct pilotage services in Belizean waters. It will also address other matters related to the modernization of the regulation of the industry.
- Cabinet gave its approval for Belize to accede to an amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. The amendment, known as the Kigali Amendment, commits to a healthy environment and greener climate that supports peoples' well-being and the economy and is rooted in Belize's sustainable development principles. In addition, Cabinet approved the ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury through its life cycle.
- Cabinet gave its approval for Belize to sign and ratify the Latin American and Caribbean Space Agency Convention, which will help the region to enhance its capacity in Earth observation systems for use in important areas such as agriculture, natural disasters, security surveillance, and other important areas.
- Cabinet is pleased to announce the State Visit of Her Excellency Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen, President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), who arrives in Belize on Sunday, 2nd April. As a part of her visit, President Tsai will be making an address at a joint sitting of the House of Representatives in Belmopan on Monday, 3rd April.
- Finally, Cabinet announces that government offices will close at midday on 6th April (Holy Thursday) through 10th April (Easter Monday) for the Easter Break. Cabinet wishes Belizeans a safe and blessed Easter.
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The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 11th April 2023.
- Cabinet discussions centred on the effects of global inflation on the cost of living in Belize. Following a meeting with the Chinese retail community, Cabinet has issued instructions for meetings with major importers and wholesalers with a view to eliminating gouging or bloating at every level of the supply chain. While inflation is a global pandemic, Cabinet realizes that it must do everything in its power to mitigate the impact on our people.
- Following two weeks of intervention with the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association and Belize Sugar Industries, Hon. Kareem Musa, Cabinet subcommittee chair, tasked with charting a path forward for the sugar industry, -ed Cabinet. Minister Musa reported that both sides have expressed the determination to reach a fair and transparent resolution to the impasse for the good of the industry and that serious discussions between parties are ongoing based on good faith, and not tension.
- Cabinet was advised that the process to resume the payment of performance-based increments to public officers, effective 1st April 2023, has commenced. There was unanimous agreement that moving forward, increments must be based on actual performance, and every discussion with the Joint Unions must include the implementation of a comprehensive, objective, and real appraisal system.
- Cabinet gave its support for the adaptation of the recommendations by the Ministry of Tourism & Diaspora Relations, in conjunction with the Belize Tourism Board, to amend the agreement between Government and Belize Island Holdings Limited, in relation to the Harvest Caye Cruise Port in Southern Belize, to improve and define future growth and development of the Harvest Caye Port.
- Cabinet gave its recommendation for amendments to the Law Revision Act to better reflect the current state of law with respect to Money Laundering and the Terrorism Prevention Act. These amendments will be introduced at the next sitting of the House of Representatives.
- Cabinet gave its approval for the ratification of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies, which will establish new global rules for eliminating harmful subsidies and protecting global fish stocks.
coordination, mainstreaming, and implementation of appropriate climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to pursue low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathways.
- Cabinet requested that a subcommittee comprising Sustainable Development, Energy, Natural Resources, Rural Development and Agriculture meet to follow up on the strategies for water resources management, including aquifers (ground) and surface water.
- Finally, Cabinet reminds all motorists to drive safely, and with care and attention.
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Cabinet Brief 18th May 2023
The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 17th May 2023.
Cabinet continued the discussion on ways to address the rising cost of living. It was requested that the Minister of Agriculture convenes a meeting with importers and suppliers to discuss ways to reduce the cost of major food items as well as inputs used to produce locally made food products and to propose recommendations to reduce the cost of living for Cabinet's consideration.
After a full discussion on the sugar industry and the revelation that for two years the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) had not benefited from premiums derived from fair trade, Cabinet approved BZ$1 million in subsidies for the association to be used for fertilizer to improve crop yield.
Cabinet requested that the Financial Secretary instruct the Belize Tax Services to check into businesses that continue to charge tax on feminine products. These became GST-exempt effective 1st April with a grace period of one month for products that were already in stock to be depleted.
Cabinet continued the discussion on the establishment of the Belize Government Lotteries Ltd., a government-owned company, and approved the introduction of amendments to the Lotteries Act to accommodate for government to sell lotteries nationwide. These amendments will be introduced at the next sitting of the House of Representatives scheduled for 19th May 2023.
Cabinet gave its approval for the Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation to sign a memorandum of understanding on Deepening Blue Economy Cooperation with the Government of Barbados, through its Ministry of Environment and National Beautification, Green and Blue Economy. The MOU will strengthen the knowledge capacity in the blue economy, broaden and expand relations between the extensive scientific and technological communities, and strengthen cooperation between both countries in areas of mutual benefit.
Finally, Cabinet gave its recommendation on several legislative amendments to be tabled at Friday's sitting of the House of Representatives.
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Cabinet Brief 29th June 2023
The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 28th June 2023.
- Cabinet received an update from the Minister of Agriculture on actions to address the rising cost of living and recommended amendments to the Supplies Control Act, which includes measures to address the escalating cost of goods. Using a ticketing mechanism for violations, government will be able to ensure compliance with the Prices Regulations.
Additionally, Cabinet approved a review of the current list of regulated goods and agreed to the expansion of the list of goods subject to regulation under the Supplies Control Act. This list will consist of over 40 items including food and non-food items.
- Recognizing the potential for growth in the shrimp industry, Cabinet declared it as important to the socio-economic development of Belize and approved the allocation of BZ$6 million in financing, through the Development Finance Corporation, to lend shrimp growers at an interest rate of 5.5 to 7.5 percent. Government also endeavours to request that Belize Electricity Limited applies the industrial rate to the shrimp farms.
- To further assist in the protection of the environment and to ensure that standards are implemented for the licensing of marinas, Cabinet approved the drafting of regulations for marinas and for amendments to the Harbours and Merchant Shipping Act. This is for a provision for the creation of regulation of marinas which shall include, but is not limited to, the creation of new and existing marinas.
Cabinet also approved the establishment of a subcommittee of the Maritime Technical Committee to create legislation for the development of nautical tourism, in particular, the pleasure yachting and super yacht industry in Belize.
- Finally, Cabinet congratulates all the 2023 elementary, secondary and tertiary graduates.
Cabinet also congratulates the student-athletes from Stella Maris School, who represented Belize at the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin, Germany, winning silver and bronze medals.
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Cabinet Brief 13th July 2023
The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 12th July 2023.
- Cabinet considered and approved the enactment of legislation to improve traffic safety and traffic law enforcement aimed at reducing the number of traffic incidents and fatalities on Belize's major roads and highways. To this end, the legislation will strengthen regulations to require drivers and front seat passengers to wear seatbelts and introduce legislation to ban the use of electronic devices while driving and allow the use of speed-measuring devices.
- Cabinet gave its approval for the Central Bank of Belize to print new currency notes and instructed that the new notes bear the image of Belize's National Heroes ─ Rt. Hon. George Price and Hon. Philip Goldson.
- To expand market surveillance to ensure compliance with price regulations, Cabinet requested that the Attorney General prepares regulations to allow for the issuance of tickets and to authorise the Controller of Supplies to issue tickets for those in violation of these regulations.
- The Prime Minister received a copy of the proposals for redistricting from the Elections and Boundaries Commission. After a review of the report, Cabinet discussed the matter and expressed serious concerns about the recommendations made by the Commission. The report will be tabled in the National Assembly for debate.
- Having been apprised of the recent decision of the Heads of Government of CARICOM on the free movement of CARICOM nationals and aware of the numerous benefits that it would contribute to the overall development of the region, including Belize, Cabinet gave its approval for Belize to support the full free movement of CARICOM nationals by 2024 with a list of exceptions to be developed by the ministries of Foreign Trade and Labour.
- Cabinet was apprised of the National Nutrition Policy and approved the measures therein that are geared to improving the nutritional status of Belizeans.
- Finally, Cabinet reminds Belizeans that it is the hurricane season and as such should be prepared and remain alert.
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The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 15th August 2023.
Cabinet considered and gave its approval for the adjustment of pay scales to streamline salaries for social workers within the Ministry of Human Development, Families, and Indigenous Peoples' Affairs. This will finally address the anomalies that presently exist among social workers hired in the Ministry of Human Development and those under other ministries.
As a part of its ongoing discussion on additional ways to reduce the rising cost of basic food items and the matter of cost of living, especially its effects on the most vulnerable, Cabinet invited Mr. Lennox Nicholson, Controller of Supplies for the Supplies Control Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise, to report on efforts to address the issue of price-gouging nationwide.
Cabinet agreed to look into a mechanism for opening cooperative stores to provide basic food items at reduced costs to the more vulnerable members of society. To this end Cabinet appointed Hon. Jose Mai, Hon. Orlando Habet, Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia and Hon. Henry Charles Usher to meet and return to Cabinet, within a month, to present a concept paper on this important matter.
Cabinet approved the appointment of commissioners for a Commission of Inquiry to commence by the end of August to look into the future modernization of the Sugar Cane Industry. Government also committed to keep the Belize Sugar Industry Control Board and its arms operational with the necessary funding.
The Attorney General briefed Cabinet on the ruling of The High Court in a claim brought by Belize Sugar Industry (BSI) and another party, challenging parts of the Sugar Industry Act, in which the court ruled that parts of the act were unconstitutional. The Attorney General apprised Cabinet that after reviewing the matter, there are good prospects on appeal.
Cabinet was further apprised that representatives of BSI have written the Attorney General indicating their commitment to working with the cane farmers' associations and to continue dialogue on industry issues.
Given this, the Cabinet sub-committee, established earlier this year and headed by Hon. Kareem Musa, was instructed to commence dialogue with BSI and the other stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of the industry.
Cabinet gave its approval for the Blue Economy to finance, through the Inter-American Development Bank, the promotion of sustainable growth-enabling investments. Such investments would enhance the competitiveness of productive sectors and sub-sectors in the blue economy and support the diversification of the economy through the strengthening of fisheries management by expanding to non-traditional fisheries commodities.
Cabinet discussed and gave its support for new regulations to be created for a licensing framework for the electricity sector to expand and restructure the licensing scheme.
Finally, Cabinet reminds Belizeans to remain alert and prepared as we enter the more active portion of the Hurricane Season.
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Belize has a terrible reputation with yachties - most advise avoiding Belize. I hope that we can be more welcoming and enjoy a new stream of tourism that the nautical pleasure craft community can bring.
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Yes, I agree. I have sailed several times from the states to Honduras and back with stops and stays on Ambergris Caye, Placencia and the various atolls. However, on my last cruise I experienced the Belizean "shakedown" while on my sailboat in Placencia which I have experienced several times in Mexico. I discovered through my government contacts that Belize customs had issued a seizure notice on my vessel because of alleged "improper" vessel documents and "non-existent" paperwork. Out of an abundance of caution, my wife and I sailed to Guatemala and Honduras for several months while the situation was worked out. My vessel documentation was completely in order but the customs official who received my customs fees upon arrival in AC, declared I didn't pay and documents I provided were incorrect. I was informed that, "for a fee the issue would be dropped". As a Belizean, I protested and after contacting higher officials the matter was rectified and the customs official reprimanded. So, sailors be careful and I would video the customs check in procedure upon arrival.
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