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Cabinet Brief 28th April 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 25th April 2022.
Cabinet reviewed the submission by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise for an adjustment to the control price of 16-ounce sliced bread and to approve an increase of 50 percent on the wholesale price.
Cabinet determined that no price increase will be allowed at this time. In addition, Cabinet instructed the Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise to engage with the Association of Bakers to explore other alternatives to minimize the possibility of drastic increases in the price of a 16-ounce pack of bread.
Cabinet gave its recommendation for the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government to introduce the Trade License Bill, 2022. The key element of the proposed bill reflects the guiding principles of reform consistent with government's agenda to create an enabling and investor friendly business environment and to further empower village councils.
Cabinet gave its approval for the Ministry of Tourism & Diaspora Relations to introduce legislation for a Hotel Amnesty Program for unregistered short-term rental properties. This is to allow for the execution of a registration process for short-term rentals.
Approval was granted by Cabinet for the Ministry of Tourism & Diaspora Relations to initiate a formal process of review of the current definitive agreement between government and Belize Island Holdings Limited to improve and facilitate the future growth and development of cruise tourism in Southern Belize.
Cabinet gave its recommendation for the introduction of a US$25 million loan motion from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to provide assistance for the implementation of a Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project to be undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise with the assistance of the Social Investment Fund. This project will provide funding support to an estimated 7,300 beneficiaries, including more than 4,300 farm households or more than 17,800 individuals.
Finally, Cabinet wishes all Belizean workers a safe and happy Labour Day.
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Cabinet Brief 5th May 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 3rd April 2022.
- The Minister of Health & Wellness Hon. Kevin Bernard informed Cabinet that COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5 to 11 years will soon be available. The Ministry of Health & Wellness is working closely with the Ministry of Education to safely deliver vaccines to students in time for the start of the new school year. Also, the Ministry of Health & Wellness encourages all Belizeans 60 years or older and those with preexisting conditions to get their second booster.
- Cabinet took note that signatures had been submitted to the Governor General to commence the process of issuing a writ of referendum in relation to the passage of the Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Control and Licensing Bill. In accordance with the Referendum Act, the petition will now undergo the process of vetting and verification by the Elections and Boundaries Department. Cabinet is committed to continuing to shepherd the process with respect for all concerned and considers this an inspiring and encouraging part of Belize's democratic system. Cabinet remains confident that in the end the right and best decisions will be made as a country.
- Cabinet gave its recommendation for the Attorney General to have introduced a bill at the next sitting of the House of Representatives to restructure the administration of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal with the introduction of the Senior Courts of Belize. The Senior Courts Bill is an amalgamation of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act and the Court of Appeals Act with amendments:
(1) to restructure the courts administration system by making the office of the Chief Justice the administrative leader for both the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal;
(2) to introduce new officeholders such as Senior Judges in the Civil and Criminal Divisions of the Supreme Court, the Chief Registrar, Masters, and Judicial Assistants;
(3) to introduce specialized divisions in the Supreme Court, such as a Constitutional and Public Law Division, Family and Trust Law Division, Commercial Law Division, and such other divisions as the Chief Justice from time to time may find necessary;
(4) to remove marital fault grounds for divorce proceedings and to provide for gender-neutral provisions in relation to divorce and matrimonial proceedings.
These changes are being introduced to improve the efficiency, accuracy and consistency in the upper courts of the judicial system of Belize.
- Cabinet has also given its approval for the introduction of a bill to address consequential amendments to the Belize Constitution to provide for the additional judicial office holders as well as to provide for the office of the Chief Justice to be the administrative leader of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal as well as for the renaming of the Supreme Court to that of the High Court. The office of the President of the Court of Appeal is being retained but shall be subject administrative to the office of the Chief Justice.
- Cabinet gave its recommendation for the Attorney General to have introduced, at the next sitting of the House of Representatives, a bill to amend the Marriage Persons (Protection) Act, Chapter 175 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2020. This is to allow for the removal of the fault grounds for an application for judicial separation before the Family Court, which is to be replaced with the ground of incompatibility. Too many times the Family Court is bogged down with acrimonious family proceedings that are not conducive to the family healing and moving on, with children being affected by such proceedings. It is important to note that these proposed amendments will not affect the protection against domestic violence under the Domestic Violence Act and will not affect the rights of maintenance for spouses and children.
- Cabinet took note of the protocol to amend the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas to allow Enhanced Cooperation Among CARICOM Member States and gave its approval for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade & Immigration to ratify the amendments to the protocol on the Revised Treaty to Allow for Enhanced Cooperation Among Member States.
- Finally, the Prime Minister informed Cabinet that on Saturday, 7th May 2022, the President of the Republic of Mexico, His Excellency Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be making an official visit to Belize.
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Cabinet Brief 26th May 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 24th May 2022.
The Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation informed Cabinet of a constructive meeting with the leaders of communities in southern Belize to address the issue of erosion on Silk Caye. After meeting with relevant stakeholders, a task force was established including the community leaders, technical advisors from the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, Ministry of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Mining, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, and the Belize Coast Guard. Based on the findings of the assessment, the Fisheries Department will be giving approval for the community to proceed with the work started to address the erosion with the support of the technical experts.
Cabinet noted that at Monday's House Committee Meeting, stakeholders presented their concerns regarding the Trade License Bill 2022. Noting the fragile state of the entertainment industry caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Cabinet agreed to defer any fee for local entertainers while consultations continue with stakeholders in the entertainment industry. In addition, Cabinet will consult to develop incentives for the creative sector. All other recommendations presented at Monday's House Committee Meeting will be duly considered before the revised bill is presented to the House of Representatives for consideration.
Cabinet gave its recommendation for a motion to be presented at the next sitting of the National Assembly for a loan motion from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) for US$24 million to finance the upgrading and rehabilitation of 16 miles of the Philip Goldson Highway, from mile 8 ½ to 24½. The rehabilitation of this 16-mile section of the Philip Goldson Highway is expected to reduce transportation costs and accident rates, increase access to services, increase employment opportunities and improve climate resilience.
With a view to fast-track private sector investment and further stimulate economic growth, Cabinet approved certain policy and legislative adjustments to reduce turn-around time and streamline processes and provide additional incentives for various investment incentives programs including the small business (MSME) enhancement program, the designated processing areas program used by BPO's, agro-processing, aquaculture and manufacturing, and the fiscal incentives program used by tourism and other business ventures.
Cabinet approved the development concept of a Government Administration Campus in Belize City in the Lake Independence Development Area using a public-private partnership vehicle. It is intended that such a campus will consolidate government departments scattered across the city including the various courts of the judiciary and enable the more efficient provision of government services to the public.
Cabinet took note of the report from the Inter-Ministerial Committee on measures that would improve the effectiveness of garbage disposal as well as recommendations on the sustainable practices to promote a clean environment, climate protection and zero waste for the health, aesthetics and well-being of the country. Recommendations include a review of the current environmental protection regulations, amendments to the Returnable Containers Act, strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department of the Environment, new actions on plastic and waste disposal and an awareness campaign on cleaner communities and recycling.
On COVID-19, as of 23rd May 2022, 216,474 or 50.32% of the total population have received at least one dose of the vaccine, 211,693 or 49.21% of the total population two doses, and 47,671 or 11.09 % of the total population had received booster shots. As of 23rd May 2022, 31,803 or 54.56% of the target population (58,292) of children ages 12 to 17 years have received at least one dose of the vaccine and 26,628 or 45.68% of the target population have been fully vaccinated. Since the start of the pandemic, the cumulative number of deaths up to 20th May 2022 is 677.
The Ministry of Health & Wellness reminds the public that an unvaccinated person is 24 times more likely to die compared to a vaccinated person and statistics show that the adjusted mortality rate for every 10,000 people is 1.99 among fully vaccinated, 6.35 among partially vaccinated and 48.42 per 10,000 unvaccinated individuals.
Finally, Cabinet advises all Belizeans to continue to adhere to COVID-19 prevention safety measures including wearing a face mask in public, maintaining physical distance where possible and washing hands regularly. Cabinet also encourages all those not yet vaccinated to do so. Vaccines save lives.
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The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister, Hon. Johnny Briceño, met in regular session on May 30, 2022.
Cabinet received comprehensive details from NEMO and the Chief Meteorology Officer on our state of preparedness for the 2022 Hurricane Season.
The Cabinet gave its recommendation to introduce a Bill at the next session of the House of Representatives to amend the Belizean Nationality Act, Chapter 161 of the Belize Laws, to provide the legal regime for i Implement the Amnesty 2022.
Cabinet considered the growing cost of wheat and the growing overall cost for bread production. The Cabinet studied several measures designed to keep the cost of bread for consumers as low as possible while at the same time ensuring that bakers receive a fair profit on their production as the price of bread from 16 ounces will continue to be monitored.
Cabinet approved a comprehensive National Investment Policy and Strategy to encourage and facilitate private investment in Belize in support of continued stimulus to economic growth.
The Cabinet considered and approved the adoption of the Belizean National Policy on Child Labour 2022-2025. The new policy was developed through extensive consultation and in collaboration with UNICEF, the International Labor Organization, and other relevant national stakeholders.
Cabinet approved amendments to the legal instrument dealing with regulations for maritime taxis to introduce provisions to improve the safety and efficiency of the maritime taxi industry.
Cabinet approved a Summer Vocational Internship Program to be administered through the Ministry of Public Service to 130 fourth form and semi-higher students. The internship program, which will place students in different government ministries, will be divided into two age groups for one month, in July and August.
Cabinet was briefed of the latest details regarding the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in Belize. By April 30, 2022; 217,179 people i.e. 50.48 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 212,010 i.e. 49.28 percent had been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 and 17, 26,695 had received two doses of the vaccines. To date, 49,063 booster vaccines had been administered. So far, there are 1,128 active cases with a positivity index of 14.2 percent..
Finally, the Cabinet advises all Belizeans to continue to comply with safety measures regarding COVID-19 including wearing your face mask when in public, maintain physical distancing as much as possible, and washing wash your hands regularly. The Cabinet also encourages all those who have not yet been vaccinated, to do so. Vaccines save lives.
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Cabinet Brief 16th June 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 14th June 2022.
Cabinet gave its approval for the Ministry of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries to proceed with Intake Squad 96. This would increase the strength of the Belize Police Department by an additional 150 police officers. Persons wishing to apply to join the Police Department must have completed a minimum of high school education. A recommendation from their area representative is no longer a requirement.
Cabinet approved a request for funding by the Ministry of National Defence & Border Security to conduct the 2022 Battle Camp for the Belize Defence Force Volunteer Element and the Belize Defence Force Youth Cadet Corps. In addition, Cabinet gave its support for the Belize Security Services to look into the possibility of having their members participate in United Nations Peace Keeping Operations as military observers or staff officers.
Cabinet endorsed the establishment of a National Quality Policy (NQP) to provide for cooperation and collaboration across a network of quality infrastructure institutions that serve alongside the Belize Bureau of Standards to protect the interest of consumers. This NQP will also serve to strengthen existing quality infrastructure institutions to improve the competitiveness of Belizean products and services, creating greater integration opportunities in regional and international markets.
In an effort to have sanctions lifted against Belize for nonpayment of its mandatory contributions to the Universal Postal Union (UPU), as far back as 2015, Cabinet gave its approval for the Ministry of the Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics and E-Governance to sign a debt rescheduling agreement with the UPU. This will allow for sanctions to be lifted against the Belize Postal Service thereby making it easier to communicate and transact with postal couriers regionally and internationally.
Cabinet supported a request from the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations to work with the Attorney General's Ministry to introduce amendments to the Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Act that would allow for the variation in the rates of tax for different categories of guests for specified periods. Additionally, approval was given to make amendments to the regulations to streamline the existing minimum requirements for hotels and incorporate health and emergency preparedness into the minimum standards.
Cabinet approved the proposed Peoples' Constitutional Commission Bill, 2022, to allow for the establishment of the Peoples' Constitutional Commission, its composition, and other related matters which will be presented to the National Assembly for consideration and approval.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration informed Cabinet of the increase in requests for permits to allow charter flights from Haiti to Belize with Haitians. The ministry has carefully assessed these applications and is satisfied that they are not genuine tourist flights. Accordingly, in consultation with the Ministry of Blue Economy & Civil Aviation, permission to land will not be granted. The minister is considering revoking visa-free travel to Belize for Haitians.
Cabinet was provided with a written update on the status of vaccinations. Currently, there are more than 245,000 vaccines on hand. As of 14th June 2022, 24489 persons or 52.1 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 212,174 or 49.3 percent have been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 to 17 years, 26,708 have received two doses of the vaccines. To date, 49,636 booster shots have been issued.
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Cabinet Brief 14th July 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 12th July 2022.
- Cabinet was updated on initiatives being undertaken by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology and enthusiastically supported a proposal to increase the age of compulsory education from 14 to 16, recognizing that while this change will lead to other legislative and policy changes, it is a critical move to help to prepare Belizean students for life.
- Cabinet was also informed and supported the Ministry of Education's proposed multi-layered approach of the Belize Education Upliftment Project: Together We Rise, which will focus on providing specific targeted interventions to four schools in the Southside Belize City.
In addition, Cabinet was informed of the Belize National Curriculum Framework 2022, which has been developed after months of consultation and focused effort. The highest priority of the new Framework is to build competency in students from pre-primary through to secondary levels. The 2022-2023 academic year will serve as a pilot and transition year for schools.
Cabinet also supported the Ministry of Education in the specific areas and projects that have been identified by the University of Belize as part of the developmental requirements necessary for it to meet its national mandate.
- Cabinet approved the strengthening of the Women and Families Support Department of the Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous Peoples' Affairs to improve access and service delivery to ensure comprehensive support services to women and families and provide a strengthened response to domestic violence. This initiative will include the hiring of additional personnel to assist vulnerable groups that may be experiencing a range of social issues.
- Cabinet approved the introduction of legislation to amend the Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Act, and regulations thereunder, to remove legal deficiencies and more effectively implement the Common Reporting Standards on the automatic exchange of financial information in tax matters further to commitments with the European Union.
- Cabinet gave its approval for the Ministry of Tourism to apply to become a member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, the world's leading agency that is dedicated to the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.
- The Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, and Religious Affairs briefed Cabinet on the results of the vetting process by the Chief Elections Officer for the petition on the Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Control and Licensing Bill pursuant to Section 2(4) of the Referendum Act. Of the 20,112 petitions submitted, 18,891 or 10.07 percent of the total number of registered electors were accepted, thus triggering a referendum. Cabinet is satisfied that the democratic process was followed and welcomes the opportunity to hear from the electorate on this issue.
- The Minister of Health & Wellness informed the Cabinet of the presence of the BA.2 and BA.5 COVID-19 subvariants in Belize, indicating that persons with these subvariants are presenting varying degrees of symptoms, ranging from runny nose, sore throat, headache, tiredness, cough, body aches and fever.
- Cabinet was provided with an update on the status of vaccinations. Currently, there are more than 210,950 vaccines on hand. As of 11th July 2022, 227,461 persons or 52.8 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 217,269 or 50.9 percent have been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 to 17 years, 31,918 have received two doses of the vaccines. To date, 49,805 booster shots have been issued.
- Finally, Cabinet approved the removal of all public health measures at points of entry, but cautions that in light of the presence of the BA.2 and BA.5 subvariants in Belize, vaccines remain the best protection against severe disease and death from COVID-19.
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Cabinet Brief 21st July 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 19th July 2022.
Cabinet congratulated the Belize National Women's Volleyball Team and coaching staff on winning the silver medal in the XIX U-21 Female Central American Volleyball Championship Games and commended the organizers for the excellent work of hosting the regional volleyball tournament.
The Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation made a presentation to Cabinet on the economic importance of making aviation in Belize a national priority, including the concept of a proposed Aviation Hub City for Belize. As a result, Cabinet formed a ministerial working group comprised of the Minister Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, the Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations, and the Minister of Finance to present a roadmap within four weeks' time. The plan will include a feasibility study for the proposed Aviation Hub City.
The Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation updated Cabinet on technical support that has been committed to Belize by COCESNA and the Federal Aviation Administration in preparation for the 2023 International Civil Aviation Organization audits.
The Minister of Health & Wellness reported to Cabinet that a case of the Monkeypox Virus was confirmed in Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico, and in other states in the region. In response, Cabinet requested the Ministry of Health & Wellness prepare a report to present at the next meeting of Cabinet on the ministry's level of readiness for the Monkeypox Virus as well as a report on the Marburg virus disease (MRAV) which, at present, is classified as having minimal risk of becoming an epidemic but has affected a few persons in Africa.
Cabinet was updated on the outcome of the 26th May 2022 meeting of BPO Stakeholders on the diversification of the industry into higher tier services and accepted the recommendations that emanated from the meeting, including the establishment of a working group to implement the recommendations which include the preparation of a National Strategy to Develop Belize's Global Digital Services Sector.
Cabinet was provided with the weekly update on the status of COVID-19 vaccinations. Currently, there are more than 209,950 vaccines on hand. As of 18th July 2022, 227,658 persons or 52.9 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 217,803 or 50.6 percent have been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 to 17 years, 26,720 or 45.8 percent have received two doses of the vaccines and 5,274 or 7.2 percent of the population ages 5 to 11 have received two doses of the vaccines. To date, 49,878 booster shots have been issued. Total deaths as of 18th July 2022, 680 and 689 active cases.
Finally, Cabinet welcomed the report from the Minister of Education, Culture, Science & Technology on the preparations by the National Celebrations Commission for this year's National September Celebrations and offered its congratulations to Ms. Sheryl Distan who submitted the theme for this year's celebrations: Valiant and Bold, Proud and Strong! Belize Rebounds @41!
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Cabinet Brief 28th July 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 26th June 2022.
Cabinet was briefed by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health and Wellness on the very serious public concerns raised in respect of the proposed Social Security Board (SSB) loan to Pharmacy Express Limited. Cabinet fully respects the autonomy of the SSB but supports the importance and necessity of ensuring that all relevant information regarding Pharmacy Express Limited is shared with SSB before a final decision is made in respect of the loan. Cabinet understands that SSB funds are the people's money and should always be subject to the highest levels of care, scrutiny, transparency, and management.
The Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister responsible for Religious Affairs reported to Cabinet about their successful meeting with church leaders during which they discussed the matter of holding a referendum on the legalization of cannabis. After learning of the outcome of the meeting, Cabinet accepted the recommendation to defer the referendum until further notice and to make the necessary amendments to the Cannabis legislation to ensure that the bill will only be enacted into law after the holding of the referendum.
The Minister of Health & Wellness updated Cabinet on several health issues, including the ministry's level of preparedness for the possibility of detection of the Monkeypox virus in Belize. Already, the virus has been detected in Mexico, the United States, Jamaica, and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. Additionally, the minister reported on a case of polio detected in the United States and assured Cabinet of efforts to vaccinate children against polio to ensure that Belize returns to 95 percent of children in Belize vaccinated against polio.
Cabinet welcomed the news from the Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise that the shrimp industry is on the rebound. The minister reported to Cabinet that the current status of the industry, which was decimated by the Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) disease detected in Belize in 2015, is reviving and has significantly improved prospects for the future. The Ministry of Agriculture projects that this year's shrimp production could reach as high as 2.5 million pounds at a value of over BZ$12.5 million.
Cabinet was provided with a written update on the status of COVID-19 vaccinations. Currently, there are more than 209,950 vaccines on hand. As of 26th July 2022, 227,767 persons or 52.9 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 218,203 or 50.7 percent have been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 to 17 years, 26,722 have received two doses of the vaccines and of the population five to 11 years, 5,626 or 7.6 percent of have received two doses. To date, 49,921 booster shots have been issued.
Finally, Cabinet wishes all Belizeans a safe and Happy Emancipation Day, which will be celebrated on Monday, 1st August.
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Cabinet Brief 4th August 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 2nd August 2022.
After deliberating on the results of the meeting of 19th July 2022, and the letter from the churches dated 25th July 2022 addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Cordel Hyde on the matter of the holding of a referendum on the proposal to issue licenses for the sale and use of marijuana in Belize, the church leaders, on behalf of the petitioners and the Government of Belize, requested that the Governor General defer the issuing of the Writ of Referendum until a date to be determined. In addition, Cabinet supported the recommendation to issue a joint statement from the government and churches on the matter.
The Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries updated Cabinet on the investigation into the tragic incident at a Hopkins nightclub, which resulted in the death of two persons and another eight injured. The minister informed Cabinet that three persons were in custody. He assured Cabinet that police investigations will be thorough and that no effort will be spared to bring the perpetrators to justice.
The Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics and E-Governance, with the assistance of the European Union, has embarked on a consultation process for the development of a National Energy Plan, which will create a path to energy independence through the increased use of sustainable renewable sources of energy.
Cabinet discussed the National Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprise (MSME) Policy and Strategy for 2022-2025 presented by the Ministry of Investment. The new policy and strategy were approved along with several key recommendations, carving a roadmap with significant contributions to the efforts that have been undertaken to strengthen the MSME ecosystem in Belize. This national effort towards MSME resilience and sustainability compliments the recent strategy to increase the call to support local businesses by buying locally produced goods and services. This support is crucial, given MSME's contributions to economic development, through job creation, strengthening communities, and increased contributions to gross domestic product (GDP). In Belize, MSMEs are responsible for approximately 70 percent of national employment and close to 50 percent of the country's GDP.
Cabinet's commitment to focusing on leading the sustained growth and prosperity of all Belizeans, through inclusion and partnership, is highlighted in these initiatives. Through the national initiatives to support MSMEs across Belize, there will be the implementation of the National MSME Roadshow between August to November 2022 which will include the following pillars: capacity building, access to finance, policy, and legislation, msme formalization, and market access.
Cabinet also endorsed the first-ever MSME National Roadshow, which will be launched on Friday, 5th August 2022 at 10:00 a.m. at the Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel in Belize City. The National Roadshow, spanning approximately four months, will take the services to all district towns and major tourist destinations. This major endeavour will allow MSMEs countrywide to access important services very close to home, ensuring that micro, small and medium-sized businesses have the opportunity to get business-ready or grow their businesses to the next level.
Cabinet was provided with a written update on the status of COVID vaccinations. Currently, there are 219,950 vaccines on hand. As of 29th July 2022, 227,851 persons or 53.0 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 218,203 or 50.8 percent have been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 to 17 years, 26,723 or 45.8 percent have received two doses of the vaccines and of the population 5 to 11 years, 5,825 or 8.0 percent of have received two doses. To date, 49,964 booster shots have been issued.
Finally, Cabinet congratulated the Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations and the Belize Tourism Board for successfully hosting the International Food and Music Festival, held in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, from 30th to 31st July.
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Cabinet Brief 22nd August 2022
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 19th August 2022.
A report was presented to Cabinet on the recent tropical wave that passed over Belize between 17th and 18th August and caused significant flooding which resulted in damage to the country's national highways and primary feeder roads, causing damages in the millions of dollars. Cabinet discussed and gave support for supplemental appropriations of BZ$12 million to be presented to the House of Representatives to cover the cost of these emergency repairs.
Cabinet received a comprehensive report from the Ministry of Finance regarding settlement discussions relating to the 2013 cancellation of an agreement for Belize International Services Ltd. (BISL) to manage the international ships and companies' registries. Following a July 2020 Caribbean Court of Justice judgement, that government had acted illegally in taking back the registries, BISL's damages claim stood at some US$65 million at the start of the administration in November 2020. Cabinet considered a steeply discounted settlement of this obligation, recommended by a debt management team of the Ministry of Finance. Approved in principle by Cabinet, the proposed settlement, which requires the National Assembly's approval, would substantially reduce government's contingent liabilities.
Cabinet supported the recommendation from the Attorney General's Ministry to introduce amendments to the Non-Governmental Organizations Act to allow for the appointment of a Registrar and to provide for the appointment of a Deputy Registrar to be appointed under the Belize Companies Act to be the Deputy Registrar of Non-Governmental Organizations and to provide for the delegation of powers and functions of the Registrar and Deputy Registrar. In addition, Cabinet recommended amendments to the Patents Act to provide that the Registrar of the Belize Intellectual Property Office (BELIPO) be a sitting Registrar at BELIPO.
Cabinet gave its approval for the devolution, in principle, of the Department of Civil Aviation to a statutory body and the establishment of a Belize Civil Aviation Authority.
To realize the benefits of integration, Cabinet recommended that amendments are made to the Immigration Act and Caribbean Community Free Movement of Skilled Persons Act to allow for free movement of agricultural workers and security guards and to amend the qualification requirements for household domestics now domestic workers.
Cabinet was provided with an update on the status of vaccinations. Currently, there are more than 210,950 vaccines on hand. As of 16th August 2022, 228,187 persons or 53.04 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 219,116 or 50.9 percent have been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 to 17 years, 26,726 have received two doses of the vaccines. Of the population ages 5 to 11 years, 6,353 have received two doses of the vaccines. To date, 50,329 booster shots have been issued.
Finally, Cabinet congratulates our Belizean athletes who successfully competed at the North American Power Lifting Federation Competition in Panama where six of our eight Belizean athletics won medals, two gold and four bronze for a total of six medals.
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