Dear Members,
The EC has had to change the date of the February meeting and it will now be next Wednesday instead of tonight. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. The good news though is that we are planning to hold the meeting at Someplace South and also have it live on Zoom.

DATE: Wednesday February 17th
Location: Someplace South, South Ambergris Caye and live on Zoom.
Time: 7pm (Belize Time)

For those planning on attending in person please arrive early so you can enjoy the new dinner menu at Someplace South. If you would like to participate in the meeting via Zoom please reply to this email and we will send you the login information.

The meeting will be our regular format as follows.

Opening remarks and Welcome - President Chris Beaumont
Financial report - Treasurer Ana Lausen
Security report - Security Josh Buettner
Open floor and questions.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.