The Executive Committee of the SACNW would like to invite you to our July meeting.

DATE: Wednesday, 13th July
LOCATION: Someplace South &Virtual Via Zoom
TIME: 7pm Belize (Mountain Daylight Time)

We will be holding the meeting in person and virtually via Zoom. If you would like to participate in the meeting via Zoom please use the link below to join the meeting.

The meeting will be our regular format as follows.

Opening remarks and Welcome - President Chris Beaumont
Financial report - Treasurer Ana Lausen
Security report - Security Josh Buettner/ Patrol office Coy
Open floor and questions.

Remember we have a new website: and new email addresses: & Please add those addresses to your trusted sender list.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

On Saturday, 23rd of July, SACNW will sponsor a neighborhood cleanup. Please join us at the Police substation next to Miramar at 7:00am. Bring gloves and water. Trash bags will be provided.

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 310910
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Passcode: 310910
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