Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 36
It would be wrong to assume that everyone has bought land without seeing it first. While that is true of many people, who have done their due diligence via photos, video, and other means, there have been hundreds of people who have taken the time to visit the site by boat to walk the subdivision roads and see the lots for themselves before deciding to purchase. A number of clients have flown in from the US and Canada, just for a weekend, for the explicit purpose of seeing the lots before making their buying decision. To date, of all the clients I have personally escorted to the site by boat, only one has not (yet) purchased. Most have purchased multiple lots, and in almost every instance, they ultimately purchased more lots than they originally planned to based on what they found when they got to the site. No magic wand, no rabbit out of the hat, no smoke and mirrors...just seeing a great investment opportunity when they see one with their own two eyes. Many more people have the dream of owning property or a home in the Caribbean than can afford to live on the beach front or pay $300K for a condo. Don't begrudge anyone - whether Belizean, American, Canadian or otherwise, for wanting to have affordable property on good high ground here on Ambergris Caye.
I have no idea where you get the idea that there are no titles. There have been well over 100 conveyances issued already, and considerably more than that being processed with the Lands Dept. at this moment. If you would like to come by the office you can see a stack of Deeds of Conveyance already issued to these "fictitious" buyers, with more coming in weekly.
If you find it hard to believe that 350+ lots have already sold, then you owe it to yourself to accept an invitation to come up to the site by boat and see for yourself why so many people have purchased. No ulterior motive, no sales pitch, no propaganda. Just see for yourself with your own two eyes.
Live the life less ordinary.
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 4
About 120 acres or more appears to be low lying mangrove marsh with only about two apparent places of higher elevation in the subdivision. A two minute rain shower made most of it quite soggy so I can only imagine what will happen in wetter times of the year. The subdivision appears about a mile long. The roads in the subdivision as they are now look like they would be completely unusable. Some of the terrain would likely stop a tank, as there appear to be many rocky sinkholes. It was stated there is a road from the east being build, however it was also stated that it's being pushed through so the developer can get road access to a much more southerly piece of property. With that being the case it appears as though the road will go "by" the eastern half of the subdivision and not necessarily get completed "through" or "within" the subdivision, if it gets completed at all. Construction had been stopped last I heard and there is some local debate about whether or not the developer even has permission from the property owners to finish the road at all. The contract specifically states in the final clause, "For greater clarity, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Seller makes no representation whatsoever with regard to the supply of land fill, road access, utility services or with regard to any other alterations or improvements to the Lands or the surrounding region." www.grandbelizeanestates.netThe recent hype is that power poles are supposed to go in soon, however I heard it mentioned that BEL does not intend to pay for the wiring so someone else (?) would have to front a fortune per mile to string the wires. Who will that be? I dunno? I can guess it would be a conjunctive effort by the property owners since the developer expressly mentions making no representation with regard to utility so factor that into your purchase. I overheard a figure nearing seventy thousand per mile, but don't have any specific evidence of that. It's one thing to stand some trees up along side of the road, something entirely different to actually run power lines. Also the adverts mention that the subdivision is three miles from town, however this would be as the crow flies. It appears on the map to be around eight miles by road (if it ever gets finished) to the subdivision or about 15 minutes by boat plus half a mile hike back to the subdivision. The domain grandbelizeanestates.net is registered to a realty company out of Colorado when I did a Whois search on it and does not appear to be registered to the developer or his company. The email info@grandbelizeanestates.com seems to be the only contact and it forwards to local realtors, not the developer. I did find reference to where the property, formerly government lands, was given to the developer in exchange for bad deal on a Caye near Caye Caulker. With the dismal economy abroad I have to wonder about the developer's motivation. Also check this thread: //ambergriscaye.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/352461/1.html It was stated to me after I'd visited the lots and later found an article online that environmental groups have stopped and slowed the construction on the road, as I feel they should. The dead orchids in the subdivision look like dead soldiers on the battlefield. With the apparent low mangrove marshlands it is likely a slough of other wildlife and watershed concerns should be addressed. News indicates that injunctions have been filed against the road because no environmental studies were done. I was not told about this upfront, it was only after I'd mentioned coming back to Belize to look at the progress on the road that I was told construction had be halted. When I made a reference to coming back to look at the road progress, signing the contract in person and paying for the lots in person something changed for a reason I still don't know? The lots I was looking at purchasing were labeled in the advert at $7,450. I was forwarded a contract for $8,850. When I mentioned the error the agent assured me he would honor the $7,450 price as advertised, however a day later I received no contract and the real estate agent informed me that now the lots I'd been looking at were $9,850 and if I wanted them that was the deal. I thought we had already made a deal? He followed up with a bit of spam about how the developer was raising the price effective October 5th and now was the time to buy cheap, but still didn't offer me the advertised price which was still indicated at $7,450. The agent who I worked with made no attempt to send me a corrected contract, made many references to "trust" and "faith", and also made no attempt to send me information on other properties outside of the subdivision in which I had mentioned interest. When I expressed my distaste with the price jump and some of my other concerns I was told, "I don't need your business. I am very busy.". The operation is run from temporary accommodation at the Belize Yacht Club leaving me to wonder if the temporary accommodations aren't just a means of making a quick getaway if the deals go bad. A trusted local friend suggested in his opinion it was a scam and I'd never be able to build there. The lots are priced well, but judgment should probably be observed. I've found them to be incredibly misrepresented and many aspects of the subdivision are very hush, hush. Everything is a rush, rush, rush, invest, invest, invest attitude and I couldn't even have a week to get my money together before they were raising the price. I have not found one single contactable person in two weeks of searching who has purchased a lot there or has a title.
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I'd like to point out that none of the members of MLS Ambergris Caye dot com represent these properties.
Sorry you have experienced a situation that no potential buyer should have to face - and for the final insult - to be told your business isn't needed because the agent is busy - well. I am at loss for words over that one.
It is unfortunate that the prices on the island for decent elevation, utilities and road access etc. etc are skyrocketing - but there is something to be said for getting what you pay for and receiving what you expected.
I am sorry that you a little disillusioned at the moment. I hope that you will visit San Pedro again and reconsider investing at a later date.
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 3
As far as prices going up, that is completely normal in any new real estate development. The early investors benefit the most as in any other investment. Sales are going much better than they anticipated and development of the project will happen much sooner if people would stop putting up roadblocks(injuctions) to stop progress.
Of course some people just don't want new neighbors (Elbert) and because they have nothing else to do they try and stop progress for their personal reasons. And as far as temporary operations in the yacht club go, would you rather have a nice establshed business to work out of or some dirty, dingy trailer sitting on the property. Once utilities and roads are put in, I am sure you will see a building of some sort ON THE PROPERTY. Again, this is normal in any kind of development
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The operation is run from temporary accommodation at the Belize Yacht Club Is there any connection with the people who own and run the Yacht Club?
Joined: Oct 2009
Posts: 1
Belize Bird did in fact come down to Ambergris Caye and did personally tour the site. However, his story above is a little different than what had really happened. Allow me to fill in the "rest of the story".
Belizebird and his wife were very interested in picking up 2 lots in Grand Belizean Estates. After several emails back and forth he decided to fly in for just the weekend to see the lots for himself. 2 weeks ago on a Sunday morning we went up by boat and walked pretty much the entire length of the subdivision. He and his wife spent considerable time walking through many blocks and individual lots. When the left they were very happy that they had come down and said that he would be in touch regarding their purchase. 3 days later things turned south.
As you can see from his post above the main issue here had to do with pricing. At the time of our tour I had made the mistake of telling him that the certain lots that he was looking at were $7,425 when in fact they were priced at $9,950. I was working off of an older map and admitted my mistake to him on Wednesday. Out of the 1200 lots most are priced at $7,425, some are $8,750 and a few are $9,950. Although I had thought I would be able to get him the lower price I wasn't able to and let him know that the lots he was looking at were indeed $9,950. This is when things started to take a turn for the worse. He became very upset with me and started to be argumentative. I told him that since he was coming back down anyway to check on the road that he could certainly be able to find lots in the lower price range as there were 800 lots left, most of which were priced at $7,425 to $8,750. But he wouldn't hear of it. After several more email exchanges I thought it best to end matters. I told him that I only wanted clients who were happy with their purchase and who felt that they were getting a good property at a good value. Since he felt he was getting neither I told him that I was very busy and didn't have any further time to argue over the price of a couple of cheap lots.
What I find odd is that he was excited to buy before he came down, toured the property, actually picked out his lots and was coming back down to purchase with a check in hand when all of this went south due to a pricing issue. There is nothing of substance in his above post but he is upset and lashing out.
Several of his comments are purposely misleading. Probably because like he said, he couldn't get his money together in time to purchase before a price increase, or did he say he was bringing a check down? Which is it? I personally liked the touch of the "dead orchid lying like dead soldiers in the battlefield comment". Apparently the orchid that was a victim of the subdivision road construction didn't bother him enough when he saw it to make him not want to buy. What would he have the road builders do? Move each orchid? The roads that he was referring to had recently been rough bulldozed, of course they need leveling. He acknowledged that when he was here. The rocky sinkholes that he mentions are bedrock. Ambergris Caye is made of this stuff.
He says that the GBE office is at at the BYC. Yup, that is where the office is. Is that a problem? That is where they are renting space. I believe most offices on island rent there space from someone.(no connection to the BYC or its owners). He mentions that he has a trusted local friend that told him he would never be able to build there. Really? Hmmmm, I wonder what this trusted local friend has to do with a property owner building on a lot that he owns. He mentions that we promote it as a good investment. At under $10,000 a lot I think most anyone would. The lots are currently appraised at $33,500. He says it was rush, rush. He didn't have to rush at all. The price increase will take effect on October 5th. He can wait till after that if he wants to pay a little more, or he can buy now and save a few thousand dollars.
He mentions that he cannot find a single person in two weeks of searching that has bought a lot there and has title. I have made over 120 sales to date and invite anyone to stop by our office and see 120 signed contracts as well as dozens of copies of titles that have already been issued by Belmopan. Come by in 30 days from now and you'll see 120 titles.
I told him several times by email and in person that I would not try to talk anyone into or out of buying these lots. They are not for everyone. He liked what he saw and was on his way down here again to purchase with in his words "a check in hand" when a dispute over a few thousand dollars turned him sour. I apologize that he took offense at me telling him that I was too busy to keep arguing over the price of a couple of cheap lots. But I am.
I also found it interesting that it was mentioned that none of the MLS Ambergris Caye dot com companies represent these properties. I wonder why? In looking over their websites I see dozens of lots that are very similar to these. For instance, what makes a lot in a very large subdivision of land north of rocky point that has currently no easy access, roads, power, water, or sewer any different then these lots? What makes all of the property up north, down south, lagoon side, west side, high ground, low ground, no ground, road access or no road access....etc that is listed for sale on their websites any better or worse?
The lots in Grand Belizean Estates are just another subdivision of land. The subdivision has been approved and titles are being conveyed. They represent a great value but they are not for everyone. I've had clients come down and tour and buy and I've had clients come down and tour and not buy. Just like with any property.
For anyone wanting to see for themselves what the subdivision is like - again the invitation is open to everyone to stop buy our office and let me personally take you up there.
Joined: May 2000
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[quote=Island Livin']I also found it interesting that it was mentioned that none of the MLS Ambergris Caye dot com companies represent these properties. I wonder why? In looking over their websites I see dozens of lots that are very similar to these. For instance, what makes a lot in a very large subdivision of land north of rocky point that has currently no easy access, roads, power, water, or sewer any different then these lots? What makes all of the property up north, down south, lagoon side, west side, high ground, low ground, no ground, road access or no road access....etc that is listed for sale on their websites any better or worse?
Good question - I would highly recommend that potential buyers consider such questions when shopping around for real estate.
I am unaware of any personal issues Elbert might have with island livin or grande juan - but I can certainly see his concerns regarding the environmental and infrastructural issues.
Joined: Apr 2009
Posts: 515
Is the development accessible by road yet?
Captain One Iron
Joined: Oct 2009
Posts: 2
Just wanted to help those thinking about buying GBE with some information. Questions that they might want to ask the sales team.
1.No Environmental impact assessment was carried out for this development. (Why?) In fact no environmental due diligence of any sort was carried out. (why?) Even though by law a development of this size requires an EIA. Dave Mitchell the developer managed to circumvent the law by promising the San Pedro Town board a small percentage of the income from each lot sold. (Has this been paid?) For this promised cash the Town board acquired the environmental clearance from the Department of the Environment. The DOE gave that clearance because the Town Board said this development was a community project for local people, similar to DFC and San Pedrito. (By the way there is nothing in the law that says a community project doesn't need an environmental assessment)
2.No EIA means no studies or plans NO DETAILS - a.No requirements to look at where the sewage from 1200 homes will go. b.No requirements to study the effect 1200 homes will have on the area or the island
3.The Town Board and the DOE did sign an environmental compliance plan. This document makes the Town board responsible for all/any future or current problems not Mr Mitchell (sounds like a great deal for Mr Mitchell, most of the money and no responsibility). This plan requires a.a geotechnical investigation to be carried out by May 09. Was this done? b.a comprehensive solid waste disposal plan to be signed presented to the DOE on by Feb 09. Was this done? c.An agreement to be signed with BEL to bring power to the development before any lots are sold. Has this been done? If any of these things and a whole list of others havent been completed then the DOE can revoke "all permits and licenses" for the development.
We all want to own a piece of Paradise but at what cost? Plus in life you usually get what you pay for.
Joined: Oct 2009
Posts: 3
Hello all! I am new to this board and wish everyone well. First of all I am one of the so called suckers that bought lots in GBE sight unseen. I could not be more pleased. For the money it was a no brainer. I did a tremendous amount of research and talked to many residents of Amber. There are many issues and many who are concerned about the environment, I get that. I truely hope that GBE does not harm the surrounding area. This development seems to be a done deal. Belizebird was sour grapes pure and simple. I have purchased two lots and have already received the title on the first. Dennis at REMax was GREAT to work with. Very straight forward and above board. I knew exactly what the prices were, I knew the issues with the town council, the dissenters, roads, etc. By the way Belizebird, I knew exactly the prices of each type of lot and when the price points would be increased. There are three price levels, no secrets. Honestly if the extra $2000 was that big a deal to you it's probably best that you did not buy. You will be glad to know that there are lots in lower Amber that start at $50K. Best of luck to you and I am sorry that things did not work out. I don't want to trash the other developments on Amber and on the mainland, you can do your own research. This decision was a no brainer. For a starting point take a look at: http://www.dreamscapesofbelize.com/belize_master_plan.htmRead all the blogs associated with this development and look at the prices. They don't list their prices, you have to call first. Call them and you will understand the true nature of pressure sales tactics. Their offices are in Miami, and Belizebird mocks the fact that GBE has an office at the yacht club? If you doubt the number of lots sold call: 011-501-226-4483 To confirm that the titles were issued you can call and ask for Eloysa, she is the secretary. There are issues with any development in any country at any price point. I have built many homes over the years throughout the US. There is always an issue. Can I or anyone else promise that GBE will be a complete success or even completed? No. The home I live in now was part of a new development, I bought the land undeveloped. There was one issue after another including existing residents trying to shut down one of the access roads. Based on the facts that I am aware of GBE has been approved and will be completed. I am convinced that this development will be a success and will be a plus for all of the residents of Amber. Have a great weekend.
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