andrew B
Great questions. Since all four questions ask for the position of the town board, or what was/was not done by the town board (and when), I can only state the obvious which is that your questions are best directed to the town board itself. As I mentioned previously, I am in no way affiliated with the town board. Nor am I the developer of, or in the employ of, Grand Belizean Estates.
This is a San Pedro Town Council project. The forum thread pertains to attempts at serving an injunction against the Mata Grande road project. However, the injunction was not served on the Town Council, in spite of this being a Town Council project.
Yes, you should address these question to the San Pedro Town Council.
No, I am not able nor qualified to answer on their behalf.
It sounds like we are both in agreement that the problem is one of the town not having enough money (big surprise in today's world). Do you live here in San Pedro? If so, I would like to know whether you would favor a $500BZ increase in your property taxes or a $.10 increase in gasoline costs to provide much needed infrastructure improvements? Would you be willing to step up to the plate as well?
We can all agree that the town board needs more funds to help with expenses and expansion of public services. Where do you suggest those much needed funds come from?
There is no room for San Pedro Town to grow. It is inevitable that there will be a second population center somewhere on Ambergris Caye, apart from San Pedro Town. It would be foolish to expect that an island 24 miles long will only ever harbor a single town or population center. The island will continue to grow, the population will continue to increase and Americans and Canadians will continue to retire to Ambergris Caye. Jobs will continue to proliferate which in turn will bring more laborers and employees from the mainland to fill those positions. These things will happen no matter what you, I, or anyone else does.
So the fundamental underlying problem and question is...what changes need to take place to increase funding to the San Pedro Town Council so that it can address the challenge of not only maintaining current basic infrastructure and services, but to expand those services and infrastructure to meet with the inevitable growth.
It's very easy and convenient to be an armchair quarterback and argue that because town services are lacking there should be no additional development or growth. I would argue that to be very short sighted thinking. It is better to say that because town services are lacking, there should be a concerted effort by all parties, to assist the town (financially) to meet the challenges presented by growth and development.
The next comment after yours - from beachbumin - states that "there appears to be no source of revenue". That is the problem in a nutshell... to find/create/provide a source of revenue for the SPTC. Potholed roads are merely a symptom. I have offered two potentially viable solutions. It's easy to jump on the bandwagon of restating the problem (insufficient funds/no revenue source). Is there anyone else who would like to discuss possible solutions that generate $ for the SPTC? The solution to the problem is easy to identify ($)and much harder to make reality.
Any constructive options to be put forth?