Joined: Feb 2010
Posts: 18
oh,,tanks for da pictures
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 600
Billybob , perhaps more people would listen to what you have to say in you didn't act like a 10 year old when you present yourself. Clear and concise arguments are usually get listened to. Your comments do your side of the question little good.
Last edited by ron; 04/03/10 10:56 AM. Reason: grammer
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 13,675
The road itself isn't a problem an east/west road would be an asset to the island, but the way its being done,without an environmental assessment or plan is destructive. Without culverts and a bridge the flow of water being cut of by what is in essence a long mud dam will kill the life in the lagoon by starving the oxygen from the water. The project is being pushed through without much thought to consequences in order to sell lots on the other side as fast as possible out of greed. The flooding and destruction of the life in the mangrove lagoons behind the string of hotels along the beach crest will be extremely detrimental to the island. A token bridge and a few culverts wont do the trick either a study to determine the size of the bridge and the correct number of culverts is necessary to the life of the lagoon. This size and number would be approved or disapproved in a study if the mayor and town board did the project correct and legal.
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 13,675
Billbob wont be driving to his land on the west coast of ambergris on the road as its being built, its just a mud ridge the developers can call a road to get more lot sales from people thinking they have a road to the property.. If the road project is done correctly then billybob can drive his pickup truck back and forth between his home and the local redneck joints in town everyday rain or shine.
Joined: Apr 2010
Posts: 57
Billy Boob, Interesting how you address some of the issues that San pedro is currently facing yet you want us to expand and create a "new San Pedro." Does it not seem prudent to figure out how to manage the problems we currently have before we expand and create more. Next this cannot even be called a road...it is a mud pit that the Town Board will be left to fix with our tax dollars long after the developer is in another country spending the millions he made here. Do we need to do the math for everyone...Sugar Caye alone will gross the developer $6,268,750.00 BZ dollars and Grand Belizean Estates will gross him another $16,667,500.00 BZ at a minumum. The LEAST that he could do is put in a proper road and by BWS some filters and membranes so that all of the residents and tourists could maybe take shower....I do mean AT THE VERY LEAST! I don't believe that there is anything sweet about Sugar Caye, Grand Belizean Estates, Costa Del Sol, or the "east west road." Now that I have brought up Costa Del Sol...does anyone know why the Town Board cannot fill San Mateo? Simply because the same developer dredged all of the fill from that area across the lagoon and filled Costa Del Sol. Billy Boob, the issue is not stopping progress it is opening our eyes and facing that this is NOT progress.
Joined: Apr 2010
Posts: 57
Juan Grande I have watched your posts for months and it truly saddens me. You back the developer because you work for him. Have you given any thought to how your suggestions will affect the people you share this island with? Some people cannot afford an increase in their taxes, they are scrimping and saving to buy fill for their lots in San Mateo. Remember this is the area that cannot be filled by town Board because said developer dredged everything and pumped it across the lagoon to Costa Del Sol. You want the town board to do more, but it seems that the developers need to be responsible for the havoc they wreak. Are you are going to live here after all of the lots are sold? will you stay and and help the community fix the high school, pave the roads to San Pedrito, fix the East West Road or buy some more filters for BWS? Another question if YOU are so community minded...do you volunteer for any NGO, sit on any school board, donate to any community organization. I teach my kids to respect and be part of the community that they live in....I volunteer, I donate and I put my sweat and tears into this island...what do you do besides pocket money for land you sell. On that note...you are selling land that was designated as a buffer zone for the WASA SEWAGE ponds....is this beneficail to anyone other than the person selling the lots? What will we do for our community when people living on those lots start getting sick? Actaully what do we do now that we have a catastrphic water shortage due to the developers work in this area. In regards to the injunction...lets make a comparison...does a murder get of free because someone else told him to do it? Ignorance is not a defense. We all must follow the laws of Belize. The original letter given to the developer by the town board simply said that they supported the developer proceeding with the road. Logic would be that they simply meant that it was a project that need to be done and that they were telling the developer to proceed with the process within the laws of Belize. They never said that the developer did not need to follow the laws, get an EIA and approval form the local building authority. The injunction was for the developer because he was the one that interpreted that letter to mean he could break the laws?
Joined: Mar 2006
Posts: 178
Who in hell,is this bozo "Billy Bob" someone email his history.......lets do some due diligence on this wise guy!
Joined: Feb 2010
Posts: 18
lol, you dont appear relaxed, moron, now firstthings first, elbert, its a lagoon right, so what flow are you talking about... and what makes you thing the road is cutting through it... ecoman,,the name says it all,BOOB, i LIKE THEM IN PAIRS AND STR8 UP..OK and for godsake stick to the topic,,dummy.we need not know about your efforts around town, we already see they have had no success, so why not let a mover and a shaker get his work done,,,what i see overall is jeloussy and a small group of narrow minds, and i myself do not work for anybody but i know a good thing when i see it,we have been comming over to ac for several years as our place is in zcalak 11 years now and we have put a road between two lagoons here aswell which travel over too dos de abril on chetumal bay with no freakin hassels,,so wtf is you problem over there, lazy,topid,or ignorance either way be careful not to send yourselves into a third world spin that you cant get out of,,the dominican republic recieves4.6 tourists per year,Cancun 2.1 yearly,Belize250,000 half of which lands in san pedro by plane or boat now you want to upset that already,, i,ll tell you it doesnt take much,, you just look at 2010 number of visiters(hurtin yet) yes it hurt, but it doesnt have to happen if you open your eyes,Issues like not havin set grocerie prices hotels charging different prices in the same complex if you plz and of coarse people talk around the bars or pools, what do you think travelers thoughts are now...so with 125,000 in san pedro which aint much, dont you think theres a couple of serious issues for you to donate and volunteer your time to in the comunity to salvage whats left, i do, because it is a nice spot. Ambergris must learn this aswell they most need to recieve travelers with open arms as i feel the locals are capable but the outsiders who live there are most definitely are not,,and that is ac main problem, so go to work on that my friend,ecoman..
Joined: Feb 2010
Posts: 18
P.S read the fincial post sometime,,,support your DADDY
Joined: Apr 2010
Posts: 57
Billy....while you have VISITED the last 11 years I was born and raised here! Do YOU have any idea why tourists come to Belize? It is for our natural wonders! Annually 60 million dollars is generated from flats sport fishing. Where is much of that fishing done? In exactly the area the "road" is going. You questioned elbert about water flow...well it is a lagoon fed by several creeks through which water FLOWS. The developers current plan includes 4 culverts 18 inches in diameter..the Department of Environment issued a letter to the Town Council and developer that that area required 10 culverts nine feet in diameter and that a bridge over one area was necessary to not obstruct water flow. You are right...the locals are capable that is where the locals formed the Ambergirs Caye CITIZENS for SUSTAINABLE development. I hate to agree with you on one point...progress is necessary, but it has to be done the RIGHT way. Maybe since you don't live here you don't realize how much time and money is wasted trying the right the wrongs done by careless developers. You keep harping on this issues we have...I agree we have issues but we need to learn to manage those issues before we take on more. Being that you are an outsider I find it interesting that you choose to blast outsiders...there are many people that have chosen to live here and contribute to the well being of this island. Finally, you compare us to Xcalak...we are not Mexico and we will never be Mexico. We are Belize and we want to stay Belize. Some how people want to negate what has made Belize a popular tourist destination over the last 30 years....snorkeling, diving, fishing, mayan ruins, caving, jungles, rivers and our people....not Sams Club, Walmart, commercilization that has happended to Riviera Maya in Mexico. Let me know the next time you plan to be in San Pedro and I would be happy to show you the real issues we are facing.
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