Further, to clear a point.... Near the beginning of the fund raising... there was a donation of Air Fares for both Derrick and Dan... AFTER the big Fund Raiser at Pedro's, we found out that it was reneged... as we did post on Facebook... hence we were short on budgets by over 2000 US $.. for 2 to travel from Island to Mainland, and to Boston, at least one overnight and then to Berklee... with costs to get to the school.
So, yes the original intention was to send Derrick with Dan, things changed... out of our control... this was posted on Facebook, so everyone that has followed this adventure on Facebook is well aware that we needed to raise more funds. And we thank everyone that has helped.
We did raise more, but not enough for them both to go, and as it is Derrick's trip... well, what more can I say...
Since then, some of the other costs went up... and some other costs from Berklee were advised... so.. we've actually done very well - all considered...
It has been a lot of work for all the Band and myself, I just wish everyone would appreciate the hours that have gone into this, Derrick is a very special Cause for US... he is like family...