At this point maybe airmiles could work for Dan. They(Derrick and Dan) wouldn't be on the same plane, btr same timeline would work with the same airport destinations. IF Derricks ticket is already purchased, there is no way to get them on the same plane anyway. They could rondezvous at the airports while getting to the final destination.
spl, maybe people don't want to donate to Dans ticket, but you must realize that Derrick needs a travel companion as he has never been to the U.S. heck, Belmapan was a big deal for travel for him. He knows nothing but this island.
A minor going to the U.S. from especially his island life, would be lost, frightened, confused. Think how confusing it is when we travel in airports we have never been to before.
He is a minor traveling internationally. It is obvious that an adult needs to travel with him.
Derrick for a year now has wanted Dan to go with him. Not only because of their strong bond ,but musically and they relate in every way.
Dan is like Dad to Derrick! If you know Derrick and Dan you know this to be true.
I have $200. towards Dans ticket! come on people help out.
This is important, this is also about Derrick.