Cuz I get bashed.... and all we did was raise funds to get the "Boy" to Boston, this is about Derrick... not DAN... others have made it about Dan... Derrick will get there, and be just fine, once he is at the college, he does not need anyone, with him, and if Dan was to go, he would not be with him once he is there either, so... it's a plane ride and a trip to the college to final register... then he is on his own, for 5 weeks... he will be fine... the only reason to send someone, originally was to help with immigration in US... the companion travelling with him now, is More than capable... I agree, if we had made enuf, Ideally, Dan would be great to travel with... but we didn't! So KUDO's to our friend that came to the plate to take him, at a minimal cost... and get him to the college! If you all send Dan... cool... he will likely - not be on the same plane as Derrick... won't assist with immigration... hmmm... why are we asking people to support what is NOT needed... nothing against Dan, it just did not work out, and time is running out... we HAD TO GET DERRICK BOOKED! And he IS!