The beach before the race.
Photo courtesy of Casa Picasso
THE EVENT: On Sunday, September 21, the international sailing community completed what will no doubt go into the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest sailing regatta in history. The Regatta, called Bart's Bash, was organized by the world's top sailors in honor and in memory of their beloved mate, philanthropist and Olympic winner, Andrew "Bart" Simpson, who lost his life at age 37, practicing aboard Sweden's 72-foot America's Cup catamaran that cartwheeled in preliminaries on San Francisco Bay on May 8,2013. (www.bartsbash.co.uk/)
Flying the banner of Commodore Milner's San Pedro Sailing Club (SPSC), 81 sailors manned 28 vessels and competed against 17,500 other sailors of all ages on boats of many classes that hailed from 750 other sailing clubs spread among 65 countries. All sailed Bart's-Bash-specified courses on their own home waters.
THE SCORING: The Guiness World Record Book's official adjudicators are satisfied that modern computer technology can allow Bart's Bash scorers to control against contamination of results, even with so many potentially confounding variables present - different venues, boat classes, wind speeds, wave conditions, courses, etc. Thus controlled, every boat can be handicapped and ranked fairly against all the others.
THE RACE: The local course was set in the waters off Caribbean Villas, and crisp 11.3-knot Easterly winds prevailed. HIs Worship the Mayor, Danny Guerrero, replete with air horn was San Pedro Sailing Club's Official Bart's Bash Regatta Starter.
Virtually every sailboat on the island that could - big and small - turned out for Bart's Bash. SPSC's fleet of eight little 7-footer Optimist dinghies and 12 -18 ft. Hobie catamarans were joined by Cayo Espanto's and No Worries Tours' Hobies, a Laser, and a 14-ft. custom, 2-masted double hulled twin-sailed experiment. They scudded like water bugs among big charter boats the likes of El Gato, TMM's Avanga, Rum Punch II, Seaduced, Seariious Escape, and Tuff Enough Tours' Just Anada Tuff Day.
THE RESULTS - HOLD YOUR BREATH, FOLKS: As of this article's deadline, the scorers have provisional results from SPSC and 131 other clubs. That is about 18% percent of all participants. The scorers expect to have final results sometime today (Friday).
Meanwhile, quite a few top honors - at least for the time being and at least among these 132 clubs - appear to go to San Pedro sailors!
Belizeans are among the TOP SAILORS OVERALL as well as the TOP SAILORS IN MEDIUM WNDS: In both categories, Gorge Oliverez ranks 5th, and Willy Leslie; Andy Milner, and Sarah White are 8th, 9th, and 10th, respectively. Chris Beaumont is in the top 20, with the 18th spot. Joy White and Cindy Vigna are ranked 1st and 6th respectively in the ROOKIE RANKS. Sarah White tops the LADY HELMS, beating her mother Joy who ranks 3rd. Emails pouring in to SPSC members from around the world express total awe. Belize will not only be in the Guinness Book of World Records, respect for Belize as a sailing venue is becoming as broad as it is sudden and unexpected.
THE COMMUNITY: Organizing and carrying the San Pedro Sailing Club's Bart's Bash participation to such a successful, highly entertaining, and rewarding start and finish took a lot of volunteer effort. The event brought together many, many segments of the Ambergris Caye community. Commodore MiIner fielded Bart's Bash official briefings for months in the complex planning stages and sent many communiques back to the event's superb staff in the UK. SPSC's Cindy Vigna tirelessly beguiled so many boat captains to participate, then tabulated the complex results and sent them in. Andy and Cindy and SPSC's other event planners, Amanda and Christine Syme, and Vice Commodore Forrest Jones all send heartfelt thanks for those ashore who had to run a seriously professional race:
The Official Time Keepers and Stewards were Callum Syme of San Pedro Weather and Dave and Dr. Rene Reasa, backed up by Isla Bonita Yacht Club manager Beth Hart, and vacationer Lois King. Dr. Rachel Graham of the Mar Alliance NGO and Caye Casa's Julie Babcock served as Official Independent Witnesses, with Dr. Danny Gonzalez backing them up. The five safety boats were provided and skippered by Timo Prevett and his 1st mate Alexandra Boiton, Mikey Madrid in Me Boat, Palapa Bar's Scott & Jody Harnish, Peter Lawrence of Pedro's and Caribbean Villas, and Josh Buetttner of Ambergris Seaside Real Estate with his wife, Joanne. Christine Syme ran errands tirelessly for the skippers and race officials, as frequently did Tori Fearneyhough, the Official Video and Still Photographer. Roaming through the fleet with jet ski and GoPro camera was the regatta's Official Action Photographer, Matt Jones.
UPCOMING: SPSC will post more highlights of the event on its web site and Facebook page as they come in, and will release the results, analysis and more news to the media as soon as the Bart's Bash Event Managers in the UK makes them official.
Once this year's scorers certify Sunday's results, SPSC will present 2014 awards in a ceremony at Caribbean Villas, the exact time and date to be announced. In the true Spirit of Andrew "Bart" Simpson, himself, Bart's Bash UK Event Managers, and all who participated worldwide, some of the awards will be, um, rather unusual, because the first rule of recreational sailing is to Have Fun!
NEWS FLASH: It's Official, The San Pedro Sailing Club will host THE 2015 BART'S BASH REGATTA on Ambergris Caye at Caribbean Villas on Sunday, September 20, 2015.

High Tech course map
photo courtesy of San Pedro Sailing Club

Pre-race group shot
Photo courtesy of Unbelizeable Weddings-and-Honeymoons

Commodore Milner and crew David Syme. They finished 2nd in Belize and are provisionally ranked 3rd over all internationally in Bart's Bash.
photo courtesy of San Pedro Sailing Club

There They Go!
Photos courtesy of Casa Picasso

Bart's Bash.
photo courtesy of Palapa Bar & Grill

Barts Bash
Photo courtesy of Matt Jones


Hobies Crossing behind El Gato & Seaduced
Photo courtesy of Casa Picasso

Hobies Junior racers in Optimist Dinghies
photo courtesy of Rachel Graham

Hobies Junior racers in Optimist Dinghies
photo courtesy of Rachel Graham

Hobies The Race
Photo courtesy of Matt Jones

Hobies Rum Punch II and Seaduced
Photo courtesy of Casa Picasso

Hobies Optimists & Dave Baker's goofy "Twin-surfer."
Photo courtesy of Rachel Graham

Hobies Alexandra Boiton & Timo Prevett

Vigilant Safety boat
San Pedro Sailors partake in World's Largest Sailing Race
On Sunday September 21st, San Pedro sailors participated in Bart's Bash, a worldwide sailing race that has officially set the new Guinness World Record for the Largest Sailing Race. The race itself was organized by the Andrew "Bart" Simpson Sailing Foundation. The foundation is a United Kingdom- based charity set up in the Olympic gold medallist's memory in 2013, and is meant to inspire the next generation of young people through sailing in the UK and around the world. The foundation invited sailing clubs from across the globe to take part in the simultaneous races worldwide, and Ambergris Caye's very own San Pedro Sailing Club (San Pedro Racers) was delighted to partake.
The boats raced two laps from the starting point at Caribbean Villas sailing south along a short course to Victoria House. San Pedro's sailors joined 17,500 other sailors worldwide, which represented 750 sailing clubs in 65 different countries across the globe. As each sailor crossed the finish line their time was recorded to be submitted to the official Bart's Bash Website, where they await official tallying. While all sailors will receive official scoring after all global submissions have been averaged by the official website, the day was hardly about competition, as the sailing community gathered simply for the love of the sport. Spectators cheered on the final Optimist sailor as he sailed in and then took the party back to Caribbean Villa's Beach Bar, where the club and families celebrated the success of a grand event over drinks, brunch and an afternoon barbeque.