You may have noticed the little dinghies flitting around the island's sea, bobbing and weaving and sometimes even racing. You might be surprised to know that our island's junior sailors have been garnering some international attention. The North American Optimist championship (OPTINAM) was held in Antigua earlier this month and now there is an International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Youth Worlds Emerging Nations Programme Laser class dinghy clinic being held in Antigua. Kevin Velasquez, age 13 years, represented Belize at OPTINAM and surprised many with two 5th place finishes. His older sister, Blanca Velasquez, age 14 years is now representing Belize at the YW ENP laser clinic and she has been awarded an ISAF scholarship to attend the Youth Worlds Laser Championship later this year which is being held in Langkawi, Malaysia.

You will be hearing more about these young athletes in the months and years to come. Please be sure to congratulate and support our island's junior sailors.