For those suggesting i was out past my bedtime..
It was before 10 to my memory, and I was headed back to my room, after loosing my friend. We were already planning to head back however we were seperated. I thought the best thing to do would be to head back along the beach route in front of the resorts as they have security. While I was attacked I lost consciousness, so saying I was not found until later that evening. Also Elbert, I would love to see this guys picture. The guy that atracked me has not been found and the police were never too interested in putting forth the effort. I do suffer PTSD on top of my injuries from this event. Which is probably why I was so angry at some people's comments. If anyone would like to ask me questions i am fine with that. However, the victim blaming is disheartening. I never wished to walk alone at night, as I am naturally a level headed, cautious person. If anything I am the victim of circumstance, and attempted murder.
Thank you so much everyone for the well wishes and prayers. I truly do appreciate them. I have certainly learned from this experience that there are terrible people in this world. However, there are far more good people.