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Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.
The San Pedro Sun
Caye Caulker seeing an increase in Covid-19 cases
La Isla Cariñosa, Caye Caulker, now has three confirmed cases of Coronavirus. The first case was announced by the Ministry of Health on Monday, August 10th, and two days later, another two were confirmed.
Two of the patients have taken to social media to reveal their status and are urging those they came in contact with to be on alert and to seek medical attention if they experience flu-like symptoms. One of these patients is well-known islander Celina Jimenez, who stated via her Facebook page that she felt obligated to inform her Caye Caulker community of the positive COVID-19 test result. "I have been in self-isolation for over a week. I noticed that I was not feeling sick at all, and it just started as a sore throat. I immediately got tested but it took almost a week to get my res
Ministry of Health Issues Advisory on Local Advertisements for COVID-19 Testing
Ministry of Health has become aware of individuals and companies advertising that they perform PCR testing or rapid testing for COVID-19. The Ministry is also aware that some entities are offering the service of facilitating the importation of COVID-19 test kits for purchase in Belize.
The Customs and Excise Department has issued an advisory that the clearance of any COVID-19 test kit will not be approved without prior authorization from the Ministry of Health.
COVID-19 patient airlifted to the mainland
A COVID-19 patient was transported off the island this morning following health complications from diabetes. The male patient was rushed in an ambulance and then airlifted from the John Greif III Municipal Airport to Belize City.
Doctors will continue monitoring his diabetic condition while keeping him in isolation at the COVID-19 unit at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. Diabetic people are not the only ones in danger of severe complications with the virus. Persons with hypertension and heart disease, among other health issues, are especially vulnerable.
Various Belizean Sources
Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
Friday, August 14th Meal Pick ups:
Location: SPORTS BAR.
Village: 11:00-11:45.
Bahia: 11:45-12:30.
This is our data for today.
A total of 172 samples have been processed with 60 positive cases.
The preliminary breakdown we have so far is as follows:
- 1 case in Independence
- 1 case in Caye Caulker
- 3 cases in Belmopan (linked to previous case and one with a link to San Pedro)
- 4 cases in Cayo District (1 in Duck Run, 2 in Succotz - all 4 cases linked to San Pedro)...
Ministry of Health Issues Advisory on Local Advertisements for COVID-19 Testing
The Ministry of Health has become aware of individuals and companies advertising that they perform PCR testing or rapid testing for COVID-19. The Ministry is also aware that some entities are offering the service of facilitating the importation of COVID-19 test kits for purchase in Belize.
The Customs and Excise Department has issued an advisory that the clearance of any SARS-CoV2 test kit will not be approved without prior authorization from the Ministry of Health.
Art & Soul series: ten year old Vaughn Uh
This week's Art & Soul series showcases our youngest talented Corozal visual artist. We are delighted to feature ten year old Vaughn Uh of Cristo Rey Village, who has been developing his skills under the tutelage of artist David Mutul. At age nine Vaughn participated at the Corozal Graffiti Festival 2020 in the "Live Art" section of the event. Recently he has been quite busy entering art competitions throughout the country; winning the children's competition "Families Staying Home Together" by Belizean Arts San Pedro Gallery. We look forward to seeing Vaughn rise up in the field of visual arts!
Ministry of Health live COVID19 dashboard
he Ministry of Health live COVID19 dashboard is being updated and can be accessed using this link: (Desktop version) https://arcg.is/0P4Lya.
For more information on this contact the Geographic Information System (GIS) Officer, Mr. Arthur Martinez.
Karl Heusner Hospital Suspends Specialist Outpatient Clinic and Elective Surgeries
The Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Authority hereby informs the general public that the hospital as entered into Emergency Mode as part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, Specialist Outpatient Clinic services and Elective Surgery cases have been suspended effective today, August 13, 2020, until further notice.
Persons who already had a scheduled Specialist Clinic appointment or Elective Surgery date will be contacted by the Admissions and Discharge Unit upon resumption of such services to schedule a new clinic date.
We apologize for inconveniences caused. Thank you for understanding.
Certified Scuba Diver at age 10
Say Whaaaat?! You can become certified by age 10?
In case you don't know me, my name is Giselle. I was born and raised here on this tiny island we call Caye Caulker. As you can imagine, our way of life was quite different from those living on the mainland, and even more so from those living in first world countries. For example, our backyard was exactly 8.2km long and three streets wide. The entire island was our playground. Our pool was the Great Barrier Reef, located only footsteps away from the front door.
Growing up in this environment, you can maybe imagine what my mom was like. I remember she would wake up pretty early, get us ready for school, then head on over to Frenchy's Dive Shop to get in her dives.
Covid-19 message NOT originating from Ministry of Health
We have been getting notes that some persons are getting the attached message on their mobile devices - either via Whatsapp or regular messages.
Please note that this IS NOT ORIGINATING from the Ministry of Health or the Public Health Inspectors!
We are launching an investigation but we cannot, at this stage, be caught up in this malicious mischief which doesn't help anyone
COVID-19 Resources
Belize has many entry and exit points through which visitors and domestic tourists travel. Primarily, the Philip Goldson International Airport is the main point of entry/exit for tourism, however, also the Land and Sea Entry/Exit Points must be considered. These guidelines are to serve as a guidance in the development of these more specific-scope operational procedures. For more information on the National Guidelines for Re-Opening click this link.
Channel 7
COVID Coming On Fast
Belize's COVID 19 situation continues to worsen, and it did so quite dramatically last night. When we left you, there were 44 new positive cases; well, by 11:00 pm, there were another 42, bringing the day's total to 86 more positive tests, for a total of 262 active cases. And the hotspot areas continue to be San Pedro Town, with 41 new cases, and now, a widening footprint of infection in the Orange Walk District, which had 28 new cases in last night's batch of tests. And there's a public health warning to go with that. This afternoon, the Director of Health Services advised that a list of villages in Orange Walk could have at least one case - and most of them from workers linked to a construction site in San Pedro. They left the site early this month when the San Pedro outbreak was announced.
BDF's First Case Causes Concerns At Price Barracks
And, we've been telling you about the police formations in San Pedro and Corozal that have a number of infected officers. And, then, last night, it was the Coast Guard, with its first infection. And, tonight, it is the BDF. The Force announced its first positive case today. It is of an officer assigned to Price Barracks - reportedly in the Force HQ - and a release says he is currently isolated at home - which for this soldier, is in Dangriga. And while he is asymptomatic what about the many officers he may have had contact with? Well, as you might be able to imagine, there is a great deal of concern at the Price Barracks, which is the BDF's biggest base. Lt. Col. Brandon Garcia told us, quote, "There are some concerned and worried individuals at Price Barracks but our Commanding Officers on all camps were given some guidelines to enforce from our doctors prior to the case." End quote.
Cop With CORONA Speaks Up, Shares Hope
And while the BDF and Coast Guard have one confirmed case each, the police department which has many more officers, and intermingles daily with civilian populations, has as many close to 10 confirmed cases between San Pedro and Corozal, as well as other officer symptomatic in the island town. One of them, PC Manuel Caliz who's at home sick, posted this cautionary, but also consoling video for his fellow officers: "The corona is real, it's real and it's here. I don't know if it will ever go but the symptoms are for some people it doesn't affect we in general..."
COMPOL Keeping Close To Cops On Pedro
An encouraging message and right now maybe it's the commissioner who needs to hear it. Clearly overwhelmed with the demands on his department, his office, and his cell phone, today, he said that sometimes he wishes he wasn't him! You'll hear that admission in a minute, but first, he addressed the 10 or so confirmed cases that have affected his officers in San Pedro, Corozal, and now Dangriga. He said San Pedro - where the majority off confirmed and suspect cases are has been receiving constant support:
The Strange Case Of The COMPOL Who Wishes He Wasn't Himself
And while he's doing his best to keep up morale, Williams is besieged daily by thousands of text and WhatsApp messages, facebook messages, phone calls and in person exchanges demanding his attention to security issues big and small from Corozal to Toledo. It's the reality of policing during a pandemic when public health and public safety have fallen jointly into the police department's lap. Today, the usually indefatigable COMPOL confessed that recently, he's been wishing, he wasn't him!
Hon. Heredia Says Inlanders Too Lax
Another public official under a whole lot of pressure is Manuel Junior Heredia. The Belize Rural South Rep and San Pedro native has been widely criticised in his hometown for a variety of failures, including a suggestion that he permitted the flight which brought COVID unto the island. Heredia yesterday told the San Pedro Sun that the attacks have hurt his family, but his hurt and worry is for his community which he says is not taking its COVID community spread seriously enough:
Man Lost Life In Motorbike Accident
A 26 year old man was killed in an accident last night in the area of Pueblo Viejo village in the Corozal District. Police found a motionless man in a ditch off the Jalacte Road and his motorcycle was nearby. Villager say that around 10:30 last night they heard a bang on the highway and found him there. Ollie concluded that he lost control of the bike around a curve hit the guard rail, and was tossed from the bike. He was wearing a helmet but it was smashed.
Guat Fugitive Handed Over
Last night we told you about the Guatemalans fugitive who had been caught in Belize. 44 year old Cesar Arnoldo Villeda was living in Belmopan, and had been in the country since 2015, already applying for Belizean Residency. But, a warrant for his arrest was issued in July, 2014 in Guatemala for the crime of Conspiracy to Commit Murder.
MS-13 Tagger Caught
On Monday we showed you the Belmopan church that had been tagged with MS 13 gang signs. Pastor Luis Wade Jr. speaking to us shortly after said it was an assertion of territory and pointed to other tags throughout the capital. But the cops didn't seem to see it that way, chalking it up to mischief. Tonight, however, we can tell you that police have arrested and charged 20-year-old Hector, Tiul Guiterrez, for damage to property but also for the crime of using an identifying sign to promote a gang-related activity.
Family Says Cops Ignoring Them After Fatal Knockdown
3 days ago, we told you about 68-year-old Calvin Wright. He's the elderly Belize City resident who was knocked down and killed last Saturday morning, while he was on Morning Glory Street. A police officer has been criminally charged for running him over, but his relatives are insisting that since Wright was killed by a police officer in a police vehicle, the department ought to cover all his funeral expenses. His loved ones reached out to our news team today to complain that police are treating them with indifference, even though a life was lost. Here's what his cousin told us this morning about their frustrations with the police senior command:
COMPOL Drives Around Looking For UNMASKED Men
And while that patrol ended in tragedy, others are more routine, and, nowadays, they involve stopping - not masked men - but men and women who aren't wearing their masks right! It's part of life under COVID, and this afternoon the Commissioner went on a drive about town checking social distances and reminding citizens to wear their masks and to wear them right. Cherisse Halsall reports. It was a ride-along for the press today as Commissioner Chester Williams invited us to get a glimpse at the lapses in social distancing and improper wearing of masks that he sees every day.
Cops Acting As Robbers Of the Unmasked?
But while the commissioner was giving warnings in abundance today, some of his officers aren't playing so nice; they're making a profit out extorting the maskless. We have received multiple reports of police picking up persons not wearing masks and then extorting them for a hundred dollars - offered to save them from a fine of five thousand dollars. Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police: "I have not heard of any situation where officers are extorting people. If it is that you all have the information then let me get it because if that is so, then it is wrong. As officers of the law, we are charged with the responsibility of arresting people, charging them, taking them before a court and it is the court of law that is going to determine whether or not the person is guilty or innocent and will be the one to be able to ensure that a fine is levied on that person if needs be."
Chester, Social Media Supercop Makes the Rounds
And enforcing the law is just what Williams was up to in the north yesterday. We've told you about the tip-offs he got from Facebook and his quick responses, and today we asked him how he uses social media as a policing tool for real time responses: "Of course I do get a lot of information from social media and as the commissioner of police, I try my best to be able to keep up with all that is occurring, even though it is a lot and there were several things that we had act upon yesterday including the man who posted on social media that he wanted to contract the virus so he could spread it to other people..."
Police Confiscate Two Dozen Contraband Canoes
But the COMPOL didn't need Facebook to know about Santa Cruz, Orange Walk. That's the jump off point to Botes Mexico and on any given day, you can find dozens of canoes ready to launch across the Rio Hondo for some cross border smuggling. It's all illegal activity at an illegal border crossing, but police and customs have been reluctant to touch it because it would hit a raw nerve in those communities where contrabanding is a way of life. Well, police put an end to all that today, and went on a major operation to seize the canoes - a total of 23 of them. Sources say there was a showdown, buy the cops had the numbers and the firepower and did their thing.
Grocery Assistance Available
And while those villages are hard hit by not being able to go buy cheap groceries across the border, they can get help. There is the Food Assistance Program, which is being managed by the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation, and Poverty Alleviation. Under this program, households which have been devastated by the pandemic receive food baskets every two weeks. In order for a household to qualify, the residents of the selected homes cannot be benefiting from the Unemployment Relief Program, the Boost program, the Food Pantry Program, and the breadwinners of the family must be currently unemployed. This program was also recently renewed for a second phase, and at this time, priority is being given to needy families in San Pedro, Guinea Grass, Shipyard, and Santa Marta, which are currently on a strict, 14-day lockdown due to an outbreak of COVID-19 cases.
Leader Faber Says Pawpa Mena Wants To Run
Today, the Minister of Education and UDP Leader Elect Patrick Faber sat down with the press for an almost 90 minute meeting via zoom video conference. The main subject was his response to the PUP's Education plan - and you'll hear that in a minute. But we start with some politics. Faber spoke definitively of the fate of Dangriga Standard Bearer Frank Pawpa Mena. Mena was no supporter of Faber int he leadership race, and it was rumoured that he would step down if Faber won. Well, he hasn't and he won't. Faber confirmed today and discussed what the called the ongoing mischief by other UDP's in the division: "Firstly, he has indicated to the party and to me directly, that he is interested in continuing. I will tell you right off, that my assessment of the situation is that whatever agitation is left in terms of trying to get him to step down does not come from the mayor and the town council..."
Faber Rejects PUP Narrative on Education Spending
But only a short portion of the interview was about politics - over an hour was spent talking education. And that as because yesterday, we showed you the PUP's grand plan to improve the country's education system, if they win the next election. They say that they have extensive education reforms to implement if given the opportunity. And tonight, the Education Minister, Patrick Faber, is suggesting that they are making empty promises, and some parts of their plans are already implemented in the Ministry, in one form or another. Tonight, we share with you his comments on 3 topics. The first is the education budget.
Judging Patrick's Performance
Yesterday, former PUP education minister Francis Fonseca, said, quote, "The Government has presided over a striking deterioration in access to and quality of education provided at all levels in Belize, over the past decade." That's under Faber's watch as the minister of education with the longest uninterrupted tenure in Belize's post independent history. Not, surprisingly, he bristled at the suggestion: "Are you satisfied with the delivery of service for all of Belize's children as education currently stands?" Hon. Patrick Faber- Minister of Education: "That is never a question that I can be satisfied with an answer. I can never say to you, in other words, that I am satisfied. It is a quest that is ever ongoing for us to try to constantly improve the quality of the education. That is a never ending task..."
Is "Free Education" For Real ?
And finally, for tonight, the media asked Faber about an important element of the PUP's proposed education reform. Among other relief programs, the Opposition is promising free education from pre-school to 6th form. Here are Faber's comments on that election promise: "Free education is possible but not by the kind of reckless promising that the opposition did when they had that press conference. But it cannot be blanketed by what the PUPs are saying: just paying for everything, paying for everything. In fact, I can guarantee you that that does not work. How? Because every single time an attempt has been made for free education, it has never been by the People's United Party administration even though they have tried it so many times. Every time it has been tried, remember free tuition back in 1993 done by the Esquivel administration? Remember the paying for tuition as well for second year sixth form done by the Esquivel administration?..."
Murdered Mother Was Beaten To Head
Switching gears now to crime, when we spoke to the COMPOL today, we asked him about the brutal killing of Santa Cruz resident Julian Milian Moran. He gave an update on Jorge Leon, Milian's boyfriend, and the man charged with her murder.Julia Milian Moran's postmortem details her cause of death as blunt force trauma.
A Public Caution on Private COVID Tests
If you see an ad offering COVID 19 Test Kits for sale, don't buy it. That's what the Minister of Health is advising. A late evening release says it "has become aware of individuals and companies advertising that they perform PCR testing or rapid testing for COVID-19. The Ministry is also aware that some entities are offering the service of facilitating the importation of COVID-19 test kits for purchase in Belize." Well, the Ministry issued a statement to confirm that, first, Customs will not allow the clearance of any SARS-Cov2 test kit without prior authorization from the Ministry of Health. And, second, that the Ministry remains the only authorized and legal entity in Belize authorised to import materials for PCR and rapid testing for COVID-19 in Belize. The Ministry is also the only entity that is authorized to conduct PCR testing through the Central Medical Laboratory in Belize City.
Fire Scare Near Ladyville Gas Station
And, finally tonight, there was a real scare in Ladyville today, as this van burst into flames near Sky Supermarket at the airport junction in Ladyville.
Channel 5
COVID-19 Cases Go Up by 86!
The coronavirus continues to spread at an alarming rate. The highest number of new cases was recorded on Wednesday night at a whopping eighty-six, which show that the uncontrollable virus [...]
B.D.F. Soldier Tests Positive for COVID-19
The virus is proving hard to control and the list of patients is getting longer and longer with every passing day. On Wednesday, the Belize Coast Guard registered its first [...]
B.D.F. Commander Says COVID Response Protocol in Place for Soldiers
This is the first B.D.F. solider to test positive for the novel coronavirus; there are twenty-five others in quarantine. Commander Brigadier General Steven Ortega says that despite this documented case [...]
4 More Health Staff Test Positive
Over a dozen healthcare workers have contracted COVID-19; in the most recent results, at least four health staff tested positive: two nurses, a lab technician and an x-ray technician. At [...]
Police Officer: Many People in San Pedro Are Walking with the Virus
San Pedro is exploding with COVID-19 cases; there is a total of one hundred and thirty-two cases. This afternoon, one of the brave frontline officers, who has tested positive, appeared [...]
COVID-19 Patient Shares Experience with the Virus
Over in Caye Caulker, the numbers are beginning to edge up. Like in San Pedro and other parts of the country, infected persons are coming forward to reveal their status. [...]
COVID-19 Patient Says She Always Took Extra Precaution
Jimenez says that her recent travel history includes San Pedro, Orange Walk and Belmopan. She says that she has no idea how or when she became infected. Celina Jimenez, [...]
ComPol Williams Takes to the Street for Face Mask Enforcement
The use of face masks is an effective way to reduce the spread of the coronavirus especially in public spaces. As you know, it is mandatory to use face and [...]
Minister of Education Reacts to P.U.P.'s Education Policy
On Wednesday, the People's United Party launched its Plan Belize policy on education via a virtual press conference. The conference was led by Party Leader John Briceño and former Minister [...]
Education Minister Says Marked Improvements Have Been Achieved
Faber also reacted to the P.U.P.'s plan to achieve one hundred percent trained teachers. Faber called out Fonseca for reportedly misleading the audience, saying that more than eighty percent of [...]
Faber Says P.U.P.'s Promise of 30% Salary Increase for Teachers is 'Pretty Talk'
According to Faber, improving the quality of education in the country is a daily struggle which requires all hands on deck. He says that the P.U.P.'s pledge to give teachers [...]
U.D.P. Leader Elect Speaks on Papa Mena's Future in the Party
Patrick Faber is also the Leader Elect of the United Democratic Party and is set to lead the U.D.P. into the next general elections in the next few months. So [...]
Celebrating September Celebrations in a Responsible Manner
Aside from being U.D.P. Leader Elect and Culture Minister, Patrick Faber is also in charge of culture. Today, he was asked about this year's September Celebrations Septembers. According to Faber, [...]
Poultry Association Finds Reason for Chicken Shortage
This week we have been reporting on the scarcity of chicken that is affecting Belizeans from north to south. The Belize Poultry Association has now identified a reason for the [...]
Standard & Poors Reduces Belize's Foreign Currency Rating to SD
There is a downgrade to Belize's credit rating. According to Reuters, S and P Global ratings reduced the country's foreign currency ratings to SD from a CC/C. This is due [...]
Permission is Given to Confiscate Boats and Canoes in the North
A bust took place this afternoon of more than twenty canoes believed to be used in contrabanding activities. It all happened in the village of Santa Cruz in the Orange [...]
Chester Williams Returns to Douglas, One Border Jumper Arrested
Commissioner of Police Chester Williams returned to Douglas in Orange Walk District on Wednesday where he once again met with villagers in an effort to dissuade them from the illegal [...]
Accused Murderer Led Police to Shallow Grave Where Body of Woman was Buried
Her body was found in a shallow grave on a farm in Steadfast Village, but tonight, almost a week later, a post-mortem confirms that Julia Timotea Milian Moran died from [...]
More Police Officers Testing Positive for COVID-19
Another police officer tested positive for COVID-19 earlier today, joining a growing list of policemen to come down with the dreaded disease. Earlier, you heard one of the officers making [...]
Did Police Relax on Regulations for COVID-19?
Was there a lax in the enforcement of regulations pertaining to social distancing, as well as the use of face masks, when the national state of emergency was lifted several [...]
Chester Williams Responds to Criticism Following Customs Comment
Commissioner of Police Chester Williams raised the ire of many in the Customs and Excise Department when he said last week that there was complicity among officers at the borders [...]
San Ignacio Teenager Reported Missing
An eighteen-year-old female is reported missing in San Ignacio Town. Sussy Guzman left her relative’s house on Saturday and has not been heard from or seen since then. Her family [...]
A COVID-19 Wing at the Western Regional Hospital
The Western Regional Hospital has been preparing for the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Three extra units have been added to accommodate a total of nineteen beds for patients of [...]
Ventilator Training for Medical Staff at Western Regional Hospital
Also at the Western Regional Hospital, a refresher course is ongoing for medical staff on the use of the critical equipment used on persons who have difficulty breathing on their [...]
Healthy Living: Contact Tracing
You've heard these terms being mentioned numerous times in government press conferences and COVID-19 updates - contact tracing, close contacts and casual contacts. But how does contact tracing work? What's [...]
Breaking Belize News
60 new cases of COVID-19 detected today, 6 hospitalized
The Ministry of Health has confirmed that 60 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in […]
Our health professionals- the real MVP's
By Zoila Palma Gonzalez: When we think about the word MVP, we know that it refers to the […]
Five of the 8 new COVID-19 cases in Stann Creek are related to a cargo tug boat that visited Honduras
The Office of the Director of Health Services has issued a COVID-19 update informing that […]
Ministry of Health issues warning about entities conducting COVID-19 testing
The Ministry of Health (MOH) says that it has become aware of private entities advertising […]
Guatemalan arrested for gang-related vandalism in Belmopan
Police have arrested and charged a Guatemalan man who they believe is responsible for a […]
Good cause, good vibes: BBN and Sunday Vibes DJ link up form partnership
The Sunday Vibes DJ Linkup, and initiative based out in Cayo geared towards sporting Belize's […]
Amandala Newspaper turns 51 today
Today, the Amandala Newspaper marks 51 years of service to Belize. The Amandala is the country's […]
Patrick Faber: PUP building on our success
Current Minister of Education, Patrick Faber, is somewhat skeptical about the Opposition People's United Party […]
San Ignacio student reported missing
The family of Sussy Guzman, an 18-year-old student from St Ignatius Highschool in Cayo, is […]
John Briceño calls down Ministry of Health but backs lockdown for Orange Walk
Even before the United Democratic Party (UDP) attacked him yesterday as a "hypocrite" and "quitter," […]
Ministry of Health: confirmed cases in some villages in Orange Walk linked to construction site in San Pedro
The Ministry of Health has issued an update informing that the following villages in the […]
Caribbean objects to U.S. travel warnings
Caribbean Life News reports that the United States of America's decision to issue travel health […]
COVID-19 patient airlifted from San Pedro; taken to Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital
The San Pedro Sun According to our colleagues at The San Pedro Sun, […]
Guatemalan busted with illegal ammunition
Police reports indicate that around 2:15 p.m. yesterday, while on mobile patrol in Dangriga, cops […]
House destroyed by fire in Santa Cruz, Stann Creek
A house was completely destroyed by fire last night. Orbelina Orellana, 45, a Honduran national […]
Ministry of Health launches COVID-19 dashboard
The Ministry of Health has launched a COVID-19 dashboard to provide real-time updates on COVID-19 […]
National Hurricane Center says additional strengthening forecasted for Tropical Storm Josephine
The National Hurricane Center is closely monitoring tropical storm Josephine. As of this morning, the […]
Director of Health Services: Consult quarantine authority before sending workers home
As Head of National Quarantine Authority, Director of Health Services Dr. Marvin Manzanero raised concerns […]
Can We Afford Another Lockdown?
The views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not necessarily those of Breaking Belize […]
Breakdown of confirmed cases of COVID-19 by District
The Ministry of Health has issued a visual representation of […]
Health officials monitoring 262 active cases of COVID-19
Health officials are now monitoring 262 active cases of COVID-19. So far, Belize has registered […]
Small community museums or galleries are popping up everywhere, becoming hubs for research and community events. These places not only allow cultural preservation but also have the potential of boosting tourism and providing economic advantages to people in the area.
The museum is called U Chan Muul Yaax K'aax (Little Mound in the Green Forest). It is located between the archaeological sites of Cuello and Lamanai in the Orange Walk District of Northern Belize. The area is in the heart of the so-called sugar belt of Belize where the seasonal sugar cane industry and agricultural jobs provide the majority of the income.
International Sources
Announcing the Recipients of the TEPHINET COVID-19 Emergency Capacity Building Grants for Field Epidemiology Training Programs
Belize is one of the recipients of a grant from TEPHINET for COVID19 emergency building capacity for field epidemiology. TEPHINET is pleased to announce the recipients of our COVID-19 Emergency Capacity Building Grants. TEPHINET-member Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs) could apply for these awards in support of eligible non-research activities to strengthen their COVID-19 response and build capacity for response to future pandemics. The maximum amount awarded was $20,000 (USD) per level of FETP (basic/Frontline, intermediate, or advanced).
The Caribbean Adds Over 2,200 New COVID-19 Cases In One Day
Over 2,200 new coronavirus cases were reported across more than a dozen Caribbean countries Thursday, as the virus continues to spread in both destinations that have reopened their borders and those that have not.
The death toll yesterday also rose in the region with 9 countries reporting nearly 40 new deaths Thursday alone. The Dominican Republic added another 910 new cases yesterday to now surpass 83,000 as its death toll neared 1,400.
The second highest number of new cases in the region Thursday was reported in Puerto Rico, which added 564 new cases to reach 24,446. It's death tally also increased by 8 to reach 306.
"Belize's Airport Needs to Reopen Before a [Typical] Tourism High Season"
Тhе Веlіzе Ноtеl Аѕѕосіаtіоn (ВНА), а bоdу thаt rерrеѕеntѕ аrоund 115 tоurіѕm іnduѕtrу ѕtаkеhоldеrѕ, ѕауѕ thаt Belize's Рhіlір Gоldѕоn Іntеrnаtіоnаl Аіrроrt (РGІА) ѕhоuld rеореn bеfоrе thе tоurіѕm hіgh ѕеаѕоn tо hеlр thе соuntrу рrераrе fоr thе rесоvеrу оf glоbаl trаvеl. Теd Тејеdа, Рrеѕіdеnt оf thе ВНА, ехрlаіnеd thіѕ wееk thаt wіth thе nеw ѕtаtе оf glоbаl trаvеl аnd thе іnсrеаѕеd еmрhаѕіѕ оn ѕаfеtу, Веlіzе nееdѕ tо ореn its airport аnd gеt а hаndlе оn thе рrоtосоlѕ wіth ѕmаll аmоuntѕ оf tоurіѕtѕ bеfоrе thе lаrgеr numbеrѕ соmе.
Blackbird Caye Dive Resort, 2.5min. If you want to experience nature at its best, then join us for an adventure of a lifetime. Get a preview of what we have to offer here!
Spearfishing Tilapia - Catch N Cook | Spearfishing Belize, 8.5min.
The Caye Caulker village council truck is going around disinfecting the island, 15sec.
Dialogue with the Diaspora, 64min.
Crime, Poverty and Policing, 1hr40min. We continue to use this platform to share varying perspectives on national issues. Today the focus was on the crime situation. Our panel had an extensive conversation about the links between crime, poverty and policing. They shared their views on the use of the State of Emergency as a crime prevention strategy.
Dr. Herbert Gayle - Lecturer/Researcher, University of the West Indies (Anthropology).
Greg Nunez - Final Year Doctoral Candidate (Social Policy).
Bryton Codd - Masters Candidate in Canada, (Leadership and Management).
Andre Perez official Statement re Covid 19 in San Pedro. Aug 13th 2020, 2min.
Confrontation between Police and residents in Santa Cruz Villag, 10sec. Earlier this evening there was a heated confrontation between Police and residents of Santa Cruz Village in the Orange Walk District. While the details are scarce, from what we have been able to gather is that the officers went to the village and confiscated several canoes that are believed to have been used in the illegal contraband trade. We were told that the canoes were impounded and trucked away to the Orange Walk Police Station. Residents are upset because they say they could have been given a warning to secure their properties instead of having it forcefully taken away from them.
Crafty seagull surfs on the back of a fast moving speed boat, 1min. This seagull is either after a snack or he is lazy enough to hitch a ride on a boat instead of flapping his wings to get where he is going.
The bot in this video is a dive boat from Chuck & Robbie's Dive Instruction in Belize. They are making their way from a dive site to a snorkel location where they will take part in an educational experience geared toward shark conservation.
Tiger Fern Waterfalls - Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, .5min.
Meet Gyps, the Black Vulture, 3min. in today's Creature Feature from The Belize Zoo.
Placencia, Belize, 8min.
Student Testimonial: Belize Raptor Internship, 2.5min. Thank you to one of our Raptor Interns, Abbie, for making this video.
Caye Caulker, Belize, 2.5min.