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Marty #548902 03/18/21 04:02 AM
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Cabinet Brief March 17, 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Honourable John Briceño, met in regular session on March 16, 2021.

• Cabinet received the Joint Union's response to Government's proposals to address the dire state of public finances and approved the progression of discussion with the unions in good faith.

• Cabinet received an update from the Ministry of Health and Wellness on the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Plan and on the first phase of vaccinations. Cabinet welcomed the news that already 10,000 Belizeans have received their first vaccination at the rate of 600 persons per day. This is in line with Government's plan to vaccinate over 200,000 Belizeans in 120 days.

• Cabinet received a report on the deteriorating position of the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and endorsed a proposed plan for corrective measures which will enable the DFC to access and provide credit to the productive sectors.

• Finally, Cabinet endorsed the development of a centralized procurement unit within the Ministry of Finance with a view to generate savings of up to BZ$25 million annually.

Marty #549062 03/24/21 07:22 PM
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Cabinet Brief March 24, 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on March 23, 2021.

• The Government of Belize's Union Budget Consultation Team updated Cabinet on its response to the unions' latest correspondence and its intent to continue further discussions in good faith.

• Cabinet approved the plan from the Ministry of Education for the phased return to face-to-face instruction of schools at all levels and sectors across the country beginning April 12, 2021.

• Cabinet took note of the efforts being made by the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Industry to consolidate and modernize the Company's Law Framework in Belize, which is a critical step toward improving investor confidence, boosting competitiveness and modernizing this important sector.

• Cabinet approved the National Tourism Recovery Plan presented by the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations which includes plans to place Belize's tourism sector back on path with pre-pandemic growth trends, motivate the sector to embrace more market centric, digitally inclined and resilient future.

• Cabinet approved the recommendations by the Ministry of the Blue Economy and Civil Aviation for the planned modernization of Belize's Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System.

The recommendations include:

- Modernizing the oversight system to address the current problems in the system

- Consider future hiring of more aviation professionals that will allow for management of future growth in the aviation industry

- Putting measures in place to allow for revenue collection from aviation activities

- Seek funding for the continued implementation of the modernization of Belize's aviation safety and oversight system.

• Finally, Cabinet received an update from Hon. Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, of the results of the successful meeting between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Belize and the Republic of Guatemala where both ministers expressed a desire to improve the bilateral relationship, especially in the areas of trade and the importance of maintaining dialogue and implementation of the 2005 Confidence Building Measures.

Marty #549217 04/01/21 04:11 AM
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Cabinet Brief March 30, 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on March 30, 2021.

• Cabinet received an update from its union consultation team on the progress of discussions with the Joint Union concerning fiscal adjustment efforts. Further consultations will continue on April 5, 2021.

• Cabinet approved the protocols presented by the Ministry of Health & Wellness for the re-opening of casinos scheduled for April 15, 2021.

• Cabinet approved the extension of the curfew to April 15, 2021.

• The Minister of Health & Wellness informed Cabinet that an additional 33,600 AstraZeneca vaccines would be arriving in Belize on Mach 31, 2021. This is the first shipment of vaccines through the COVAX facility.

• Finally, Cabinet supported the call from the Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries for adherence to all safety measures over the Easter weekend and endorsed the "Easter Safety Three Ws Campaign to wash your hands, wear your mask and watch your distance."

Marty #549352 04/08/21 04:19 AM
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Cabinet Brief April 7, 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on April 6, 2021.

• Cabinet received its latest update from its union consultation team on the discussions with the joint union concerning fiscal adjustment efforts.

• Cabinet welcomed the news from the Ministry of Health and Wellness that more than 23,000 Belizeans have received their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

• Finally, Cabinet gave its approval for a number of bills which will be presented at Friday's sitting of the House of Representatives.

Marty #549697 04/23/21 04:11 AM
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Cabinet Brief April 20, 2021

• Cabinet was informed that Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, wrote to the Joint Unions requesting their views on his preliminary proposals for the fixing of salaries of public officers in accordance with the Constitution. The Unions responded to the Minister's letter indicating their position against a salary cut as proposed in the Minister's letter or otherwise. The Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform informed Cabinet that he would fix the salaries of public officers having regard to the deteriorated state of public finances and the views and suggestions raised by the Joint Unions.

Complementing the decision of the Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, Cabinet decided that it would take such steps as necessary to grant a land credit in favour of the affected public officers equivalent to 50% of the salary adjustment, which credit may be exercisable on the acquisition of land from government.

Cabinet remains committed to the points set out in its letter of 30th March 2021.

• Cabinet requested that the Minister of Public Utilities, Energy and Logistics review the lease agreement signed by Edmond Castro, the former minister responsible for ports, and Recological Systems Limited for 25 years. This contract was signed on 9th November 2020, two days before the 11th November 2020 General Elections and after the House of Representatives was dissolved.

• Cabinet authorized the delivery of 50,000 tons of sugarcane from Orange Walk and Corozal sugarcane farmers to be milled by the Santander Sugar Group. With this decision, farmers will be able to generate income from sugar cane, which would have otherwise been left standing in the fields.

• Cabinet approved the appointment of a high-level Citrus Working Group to be appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise tasked with preparing concrete recommendations to chart the way forward for the Belize Citrus Industry. The Citrus Working Group will include representatives from the two grower associations, Citrus Growers Association and Belize Citrus Mutual, Citrus Products of Belize Limited, Development Finance Corporation, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration.

• Cabinet gave its approval for the resumption of non-contact sports and for training only for those involved in contact sports as well as to allow for recreational sports. In addition, Cabinet will review the protocols in relation to sporting activities in the coming months with a view to allow for spectator sports.

• Finally, Cabinet gave its approval for further amendments to the Land Utilization Act, Chapter 188, which will be presented at the Sitting of the House of Representatives.

Marty #549846 04/29/21 04:44 AM
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Cabinet Brief April 28, 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 27th April 2021.

• Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform Hon. Henry Charles Usher informed the Cabinet that he wrote to the Joint Unions on 22nd April outlining Government's position.

• Cabinet was informed by Hon. Michel Chebat, Minister of Health & Wellness, that to date, 40,000 Belizeans have received their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccination, which is in line with Government's plan to ensure that 70% of Belizeans who wish to be vaccinated are vaccinated by September.

• Cabinet approved further amendments to Statutory Instrument No. 33 of 2021.

• Cabinet gave its approval for Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government, to develop and execute a National Child Labour Policy to replace the existing 2009 policy. In addition, Cabinet also supported the request by the Minister to introduce amendments to the Labour Act, Chapter 279 of the Laws of Belize and for the ratification of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention in relation to labour administration and to present outstanding annual reports to the International Labour Office, which is in fulfilment of ILO Convention to which Belize is a signatory.

• Finally, Cabinet welcomed the second half of the report from the Economic Recovery Advisory Committee and agreed to set up a number of ministerial subcommittees to review the recommendations of the advisory committee with a view to fast-track implementation of the recommendations.

Marty #550116 05/13/21 11:29 AM
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Cabinet Brief May 13, 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 11th May 2021.

• Cabinet received an update from the Ministerial Consultation Team on their recent meetings with the Joint Unions and decided that the Prime Minister will inform the unions of government's firm position in writing. Additionally, PM Briceño informed that he would address the nation on the position of the Government, as he felt that ALL Belizeans have a right to know the real situation going into this meeting between the parties.

• Cabinet approved the enactment of a modern securities law for Belize that is consistent with international standards. The existence of a comprehensive and sound regulatory framework will enable the much-needed development of a capital market in Belize and bring down the cost of capital by giving potential investors confidence in the Belizean capital market.

• Cabinet gave its approval for the strengthening and upgrading of the National Fire Service of Belize which includes infrastructure improvements in Belize City, Ladyville, Trial Farm, Independence and Placencia villages. In addition, Cabinet gave its approval for the establishment of a National Fire Service Advisory Committee.

• Cabinet gave its approval for the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing to begin the process of incorporating into Belize's legislative framework standards which will guide the design, planning, permitting and construction of building structures and dwellings in Belize.

• Finally, Cabinet will institute a temporary travel ban on persons who have travelled to or originated from or have transited the Republic of India and the People's Republic of Bangladesh. This temporary ban is due to the rising numbers of persons in these countries infected with the COVID-19 virus.

Marty #550270 05/21/21 04:20 AM
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Cabinet Brief May 20, 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 18th May 2021.

• Cabinet received an update from the Ministerial Consultation Team on their last meetings with the Joint Unions and decided that a letter of clarification be sent to the Joint Unions to confirm the five-hour workweek reduction; that the forbearance period to allow for borrowers up to the end of December would apply to the entire portfolio including but not limited to mortgages; requesting that the National Trade Union Congress of Belize propose a nominee to serve on the board of directors of the National Bank of Belize; and to remind the members of the unions that any public officer continuing to strike beyond 14th May will not be paid any salary for any period on strike thereafter.

• Cabinet approved a plan to restructure the core functions of the Belize Bureau of Standards by designating the Supplies Control Act and the compliance component of the Standards Act into a Supplies Control Unit administered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, and to appoint a Controller of Supplies in accordance with the Supplies Control Act.

• Cabinet gave its approval for the designation of the remaining national lands within the South Water Caye and Sapodilla Caye marine reserves as mangrove forests reserves. In addition, Cabinet authorized the drafting of legislation that will enable the protection of these national lands. This will help to protect the mangroves on these remaining national lands and will assist in meeting the timeline for corrective measures for Belize to make progress and to address some key issues negatively affecting the status of the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System as a World Heritage Site.

• Cabinet gave its approval for the introduction of legislation to amend the Court of Appeal Act to allow for more than four justices of appeal to be appointed.

• Cabinet gave its approval for the reopening of land and sea border points to receive foreign tourists, namely, the Santa Elena Northern Border, Benque Viejo del Carmen Western Border, San Pedro and Punta Gorda borders. The borders will be opened by 31st May for foreign tourists who wish to visit Belize for recreation and vacation purposes. Only tourists who are pre-booked at gold standard certified accommodations will be allowed entry into Belize.

• Finally, Cabinet approved the establishment of the Belize Advisory Safety Policy to allow for improved compliance by Belize in fulfilling its obligations under the International Civil Aviation Convention.

Marty #550546 06/03/21 04:46 AM
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Cabinet Brief June 2nd 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 1st June 2021.

• Cabinet welcomed the comprehensive Completion Report of the Emergency Works carried out from November 2020 to May 2021 from Hon. Julius Espat, Minister of Infrastructure Development and Housing. The report includes infrastructure works conducted after the passing of hurricanes ETA and IOTA and funds Cabinet approved to urgently restore and repair countrywide damage to roadways and road infrastructure and to make repairs to the national road network and streets that were already in a state of disrepair due to years of neglect.

• Hon. Cordel Hyde, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Mining, informed Cabinet about the technical challenges faced by Belize for managing the growing volumes of waste, the challenges in waste collection services, particularly in relation to rural communities, and the lack of adequate recycling programs and insufficient management practices at disposal sites.

Cabinet gave its full support for the establishment of an inter-ministerial committee to find ways to develop a plan to address these important waste management issues.

• Hon. Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations, reported on his visit to the northern border and his exchange with the Mexican press in relation to the 31st May 2021 phased reopening of land and sea border points to receive foreign tourists, namely, the Santa Elena Northern Border, Benque Viejo del Carmen Western Border, San Pedro and Punta Gorda borders for foreign tourists who wish to visit Belize for recreation and vacation purposes. Only tourists who are pre-booked at Gold Standard Certified accommodations for a period of no less than three days will be allowed entry into Belize.

• Finally, the Prime Minister informed Cabinet that he was departing the country on Tuesday, 1st June 2021, to Guatemala City for an official visit with President Alejandro Giammattei Falla and that he would return to Belize on Thursday, 3rd June 2021. During his absence Hon. Cordel Hyde, Deputy Prime Minister, will act as Prime Minister.

Marty #550925 06/18/21 04:08 AM
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Cabinet Brief June 17th 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 15th June 2021.

• Cabinet received a report on the Prime Minister's first official visit to Guatemala, where discussions were held on trade, security cooperation, migration, support for the Organization of American State's Office in the Adjacency Zone and the improvement of bilateral relations through the work of the Joint Commission. In addition, the Prime Minister met with the Guatemalan Chamber of Commerce and Industry where he welcomed private investments to Belize. The Prime Minister also met with Belizeans studying in Guatemala.

• Hon. Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, briefed Cabinet on recent actions taken by the Government of Nicaragua against important opposition leaders. Belize has issued a statement along with Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Spain, reminding the Government of Nicaragua that actions against important opposition leaders threaten the free exercise of democracy.

• In reference to the standardization of working hours for the Public Service as a part of government's undertaking with the unions on the reduction of working hours, Cabinet decided on the opening hours for government offices to the public. The new hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, and as an exception, may include rotation schedules if deemed necessary or other alternative work arrangements outside of indicated hours.

• Cabinet applauded the report from the Ministry of Agriculture that the 2021 vegetable crop was one of the most successful in recent years. This year's crop was completely sold out and farmers welcomed the ministry's intervention in controlling imports. This is in line with government's farm-to-table initiative to promote eating what you grow and growing what you eat, as outlined in Plan Belize.

• Cabinet endorsed a pilot project from the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing to provide housing for the most vulnerable Belizeans and to construct a small number of low-income houses per district this fiscal year. This is in keeping with Plan Belize, which seeks to provide citizen accessibility to adequate, affordable, quality housing.

• Cabinet approved a request by the Ministry of Health & Wellness to increase efficiency of revenue collection at government-run hospitals by standardizing fees across the public health facilities and implementing a social program for low-income earners and the indigent population.

Additionally, Cabinet approved the promotion of 37 essential nurse specialists in all categories and welcomed the initiative by the ministry to grant 50 Scholarships for persons wishing to study nursing.

• Cabinet endorsed the National Trade Facilitation Implementation Roadmap to improve the technical capacity of the government in identifying important measures to reform Belize's performance and improve the competitiveness of our industries.

• Cabinet welcomed the report from the Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations that cruise tourism will return to Belize with the first port of call on 7th July 2021. In this regard, Cabinet appointed a ministerial subcommittee comprised of the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations and the Ministry of Health & Wellness to develop a set of COVID-19 protocols to ensure safe entry of cruise tourists to Belize".

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