As we head closer to the end of the hurricane season, as predicted, it was an above average season. A little less than a month and a half is left before the season ends, but there have been twenty named storms, seven of which became hurricanes and four were considered major storms.  Now, since the start of October, there has been no activity in the Caribbean, but Chief Meteorologist Ronald Gordon told News Five that residents should remain cautious, as in the past systems have been formed closer to the end of the hurricane season.

Ronald Gordon, Chief Meteorologist

"Currently the Atlantic basin remains quiet; actually, it has been eerily quiet for October across the basin. We have not seen a single system developing since the first of October. We did have two systems that came out from September that died during October or during the first week of October, however, no storm has developed so far for October of this year and apparently, there is none in the immediate future based on what we are monitoring. However, it is important to note that we still have about five to six weeks remaining in the hurricane season, so we should not let our guards down. And we know that systems can develop at the end of October and they can also form in November. So the message I am trying to relay here is that the public should remain on the alert for the possibility of anything happening within those three remaining weeks."

Channel 5