>Tonight a female police constable is detained by Orange Walk Police pending very serious charges after police raided her home for drugs and weapons and found her there along with some heavy firepower and suspicious characters.

We can't name the suspects yet because - up to this evening they hadn't been charged - but we can say the Constable was along with a man who has been charged previously with armed robbery and drug trafficking - and a mystery Mexican. And the guns? Well, we'll let the COMPOL talk about that:

Chester Williams, Commissioner
"Yes, I know that this morning there was an operation launched in Orange Walk Town by police and during that operation the home of a female police officer was searched. That search yielded one m4 carbine rifle, two 9mm pistols, several, two to three rounds of ammunitions as well as several 9mm rounds of ammunition including some cocaine, some crack cocaine. Police officers currently have that female officer in custody along with persons who were at home with her at the time and hopefully between today and tomorrow they should be charged and taken before the court."

Cherisse Halsall:
"Sir this same police woman was caught in 2020 and charged for possession of parcels of cannabis weighing a total of 23.4 pounds, she pleaded not guilty and someone else gave a guilty plea, looking back at that should she have been charged earlier?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner
"Well, she was charged, but someone else took the rap and she got off in this case it's different now. The items are found in her home. I don't see if someone goes and pleas guilty how she can get off. So I do not see that no."

Cherisse Halsall:
"Is this to your mind any further indication that police officers may be involved with cartels?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner
"We have never ruled that out, um. We have never ruled that out we always see that as a possibility. Everyday we try our best to keep our officers out of line and when we find that they step out of line and where we find they have stepped out of line we do our best to discipline them and I can tell you again we are dismissing police officers everyday."

The woman Constable is also married to a police officer, according to reports.

Channel 7