Who has the fastest mobile and home internet speeds? We're constantly bombarded by advertising from SMART to BTL to NEXGEN with each company telling us that theirs is best.

Well, the results for the fourth quarter of 2022 are in - and they are from OOKLA - an independent speed testing service based in the US.

First for mobile, where the only service providers are DIGI and SMART, OOKLA found that Digi delivered the fastest median download speed at 14.07 megabits per second, or Mbps. SMART lagged behind at 5.39.

On server latency, which is basically the amount of delay on the network - both providers had relatively high latency which is indicative of a network with many delays.

And whole that is the picture for mobile, for fixed internet in your home or business, OOKLA found that in quarter 4 of 2022, NEXGEN delivered the fastest median download speed at 47.84 Mbps.

Latency was lowest on Southern Cable and highest on Diginet - which, again, is an indicator of a sluggish system.

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