There's a water crisis on the Placencia Peninsula and it's putting restaurant and hotel owners under pressure because they don't have water pressure.

At the height of the overnight tourism season, reports are that Belize Water Services' inability to meet demand has left residents and business owners alike running low or running out of water. Many have had to resort to buying water from private suppliers.

For its part, BWS is trucking in water daily from Dangriga, and with the loan of an additional tanker from the Ministry of Rural Development - they expect to increase supply later this week.

They are also hoping to get an additional source of water from wells in Riversdale.

The problem is that demand has been higher than projected due to strong visitor arrivals, and BWS's 13 million dollar expansion project for the peninsula is still n the works and won't be effective until next year.

And how bad is the shortfall? Currently reports say it's running at 50,000-100,000 gallons short per day.

Channel 7