The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister, Hon. Johnny Briceño, met in regular session on May 30, 2022.

Cabinet received comprehensive details from NEMO and the Chief Meteorology Officer on our state of preparedness for the 2022 Hurricane Season.

The Cabinet gave its recommendation to introduce a Bill at the next session of the House of Representatives to amend the Belizean Nationality Act, Chapter 161 of the Belize Laws, to provide the legal regime for i Implement the Amnesty 2022.

Cabinet considered the growing cost of wheat and the growing overall cost for bread production. The Cabinet studied several measures designed to keep the cost of bread for consumers as low as possible while at the same time ensuring that bakers receive a fair profit on their production as the price of bread from 16 ounces will continue to be monitored.

Cabinet approved a comprehensive National Investment Policy and Strategy to encourage and facilitate private investment in Belize in support of continued stimulus to economic growth.

The Cabinet considered and approved the adoption of the Belizean National Policy on Child Labour 2022-2025. The new policy was developed through extensive consultation and in collaboration with UNICEF, the International Labor Organization, and other relevant national stakeholders.

Cabinet approved amendments to the legal instrument dealing with regulations for maritime taxis to introduce provisions to improve the safety and efficiency of the maritime taxi industry.

Cabinet approved a Summer Vocational Internship Program to be administered through the Ministry of Public Service to 130 fourth form and semi-higher students. The internship program, which will place students in different government ministries, will be divided into two age groups for one month, in July and August.

Cabinet was briefed of the latest details regarding the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in Belize. By April 30, 2022; 217,179 people i.e. 50.48 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 212,010 i.e. 49.28 percent had been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 and 17, 26,695 had received two doses of the vaccines. To date, 49,063 booster vaccines had been administered. So far, there are 1,128 active cases with a positivity index of 14.2 percent..

Finally, the Cabinet advises all Belizeans to continue to comply with safety measures regarding COVID-19 including wearing your face mask when in public, maintain physical distancing as much as possible, and washing wash your hands regularly. The Cabinet also encourages all those who have not yet been vaccinated, to do so. Vaccines save lives.