I used to fly TACA all the time out of Houston, until they changed it from non-stop. They turned a two-hour flight into a five hour trip with a stop first in San Salvador, and it departs Houston at 5:30 a.m. and returns at 11:30 p.m. (apprx.) Stinks. I don't see how they still have any customers out of Houston. And they used to give Continental competition from Houston, but not any more. In 07 - 09, I would frequently find specials for about $275, taxes included on TACA. Now it is $500 to $600 all in. on Continental, even though it is a two-hour non-stop flight. Flights from Phoenix, DC, Atlanta, and other places are cheaper than flights from Houston, even though they have an extra leg coming and going! (competition...)
Last edited by tcoats; 08/17/10 08:09 PM. Reason: spelling