Competition is competition,this is no different than most of your home towns. Why make it easy, if I sell Ice cream and you want to compete against me and my family; I am not going to give you the recipe.
Yaaa sorry , business is not fair or easy. You have to weigh the risk vs reward.If you plan to make a fortune, best stay home (not likely) . Most are here for the lifestyle,please dont burn your bucks and blame my home for it.There are plenty of peeps up there that have failed in biz opportunities and blame that (u.s.)gov. too.Failure breeds success for some,business is tough here and you need to enjoy it to make it work . And that doesn't mean you will be rolling in the dough. Just Happy is that so bad? J.M.O.
AMEN!!! I totally agree with you. If you aren't happy here you won't be happy anywhere. there is corruption everywhere, just more noticeable here i will say to that because we are smaller and they are blatant about it here. will it ever change? yah ok lol you can wait for that one.sometimes power brings greed to the most humble man/woman. Just be happy,