This letter affirms that the road project is a San Pedro Town Council project as clearly evidenced. "Got caught" abiding by the request of the San Pedro Town Council to assist them with their road construction??? How very sneaky indeed. Next thing you know the San Pedro Town Council will ask for businesses, resorts and property owners to make donations to pay for road grading north of the bridge to Mata Grande, and maybe a number of people will "get caught" helping to support road infrastructure projects.

What is insulting to the intelligence of all those on this message board, is the notion that because you, or anyone else, "have lived here for decades with out one" (road access to your property ?), then two wrongs will make a right and others should be denied road access as well? Come on. As has been hashed out numerous times already, development in decades past was historically on the sea front as you go up and down the coast. The economic barrier to entry is such that fewer and fewer people can afford beach front property values. When all development and improved properties outside of town were on the coast, boat access was the norm, and for the most part the only access.

I agree with the Mayor that people should have a fundamental right to have access to one's property, and if that property is off the waterfront, then by necessity it would have to be by road. 2nd row, 3rd row, and 4th row lots are one thing, but Colonia San Diego Phase II at its closest, is over 1/4 mile from the Caribbean Sea. Are you going to argue against property owners being provided a fundamental right to access their property? No one is saying that the Town Council has a fundamental obligation to pay the cost to build the road. A fundamental right can not be addressed, as was the case for years with the SPTC not having funds necessary to build this road, and yet that does not eliminate it as being a fundamental right.

This is a San Pedro Town Council road project.
It is being funded through generous donations of $4,000 BZ from the sale of each lot sold in Grand Belizean Estates Subdivision.
The amount of donations pledged is in excess of the cost to build the approved road project.
The San Pedro Town Council can, and will, use the additional donated funds as they see fit, to address infrastructure needs in and around San Pedro Town.
As the mayor stated, this road project benefits not only those property owners in Grand Belizean Estates Subdivision, but all those property owners in Ambergris Bay, and Colonia San Diego.
The Town Council has current and valid permits from Dept. of Environment, Forest Dept., and Geology and Petroleum Dept.

This letter shows clearly that any requested injunction should have been addressed and served upon the San Pedro Town Council, and not Dave Mitchell and GBE, and that it was, and still is disingenuous to try to serve an injunction on the subdivision and its developer for what you have correctly identified as a Town Council road project.

Live the life less ordinary.