The road itself isn't a problem an east/west road would be an asset to the island, but the way its being done,without an environmental assessment or plan is destructive. Without culverts and a bridge the flow of water being cut of by what is in essence a long mud dam will kill the life in the lagoon by starving the oxygen from the water. The project is being pushed through without much thought to consequences in order to sell lots on the other side as fast as possible out of greed.
The flooding and destruction of the life in the mangrove lagoons behind the string of hotels along the beach crest will be extremely detrimental to the island.
A token bridge and a few culverts wont do the trick either a study to determine the size of the bridge and the correct number of culverts is necessary to the life of the lagoon.
This size and number would be approved or disapproved in a study if the mayor and town board did the project correct and legal.

White Sands Dive Shop