Billy Boob,
Interesting how you address some of the issues that San pedro is currently facing yet you want us to expand and create a "new San Pedro." Does it not seem prudent to figure out how to manage the problems we currently have before we expand and create more.
Next this cannot even be called a is a mud pit that the Town Board will be left to fix with our tax dollars long after the developer is in another country spending the millions he made here.
Do we need to do the math for everyone...Sugar Caye alone will gross the developer $6,268,750.00 BZ dollars and Grand Belizean Estates will gross him another $16,667,500.00 BZ at a minumum.
The LEAST that he could do is put in a proper road and by BWS some filters and membranes so that all of the residents and tourists could maybe take shower....I do mean AT THE VERY LEAST!
I don't believe that there is anything sweet about Sugar Caye, Grand Belizean Estates, Costa Del Sol, or the "east west road."
Now that I have brought up Costa Del Sol...does anyone know why the Town Board cannot fill San Mateo? Simply because the same developer dredged all of the fill from that area across the lagoon and filled Costa Del Sol.
Billy Boob, the issue is not stopping progress it is opening our eyes and facing that this is NOT progress.