yes, they go to belize out of curiosity like most travel adventures, now do you have any idea why only 125k per year"think" small number of tourists in the world,also to answer the water flow question and i dont doubt creeks flow,lol, but if the road is built on its edge of the lagoon and culverts are installed, wheres this problem going,its not a flow ting its a right to passage ting my friend, so the careless ting should not be thrown around so easily, i also hate to agree with you but i will on the fact it does have to be done RIGHT, BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, MANAGING IS THE VERY KEY and you cant manage something you dont take on,so you were backwards on that point.Blasting outsiders is not my purpose at all but the few whom i,ve had the pleasure of meeting were somewhat desirables throw backs, misfits and such, but most not as i certain elbert does not fall in that catogorie but chooses to be a negitive voice and i wont let that ride by without notice.
Finally i too would not like the walmarts and sammys and that is why i,ve shown interest in belize and not just AC...