Juan Grande...it is great that the lots are "marked", you don't seem to answer the real question..."Why didn't GBE do an EIA?" Those little pegs are all fine and dandy, but when people start wanting to live there and there is no BWS services for water and sewage what sort of environmental impact do you think 1,130 homes will have? How do you purpose all of these people dispose of their garbage? How will they get phone, electricity or cable?
Has GBE made arrangements with BWS and BEL to provide these services? When BWS was asked at their recent press conference they had not been consulted about putting in any infrastructure for water below the EAST WEST road. Oh wait...there was no EIA for the road....maybe this would have been addressed if it had been done.
Juan "Grande" please answer the "Grande" question...Why was an EIA not done?