I took another walk sunday morning and got further down the muddy "road" this time and out to where this culvert was being put in place. It was a nice surprise. and a huge step in the right direction. There is a larger expanse of water ahead so we will see what happens next. It is also only when you get out this far that you can see how big the lagoon is that we're talking about. If i'm doing this right, here's a shot looking south from the same spot. it gives a whole new perspective for those of us that didn't realize how big a body of water this is that would be affected if the flow were to be cut off completely. the water continues north from here, but couldn't get a good shot from where i stood. I sure hope that these culverts continue (or bridge?). What a difference it would make.....for everyone.
Kate Vincent Sew What ! 226-4255 sewwhatbelize@yahoo.com
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